If you are an Eastwood fan you'd enjoy this book - if nothing else to remind you of the vast body of work he has done over the years....
The dog-days of summer are almost gone and the Man of la Book website has been up and running for almost two months. I’ve greatly enjoyed the interaction with other readers and bloggers, as well as the superb interaction within the book blogging / reading community. That being said, I have some questions which I’d like to ask, please feel free to respond to any or all… 1) How do you like the new layout (fonts, back...
What I found enjoyable in “The Confirmation” was the inside knowledge on how decisions were made, regardless of the politics of parties (the liberal left are the opposition)...
Operation Jupiter was a fake plan during World war Ii to draw Nazi forces away from the fronts. A former Boston cop, Boyle plays a fish-out-of-water in England...
In an effort to help out our small community why not do something selfless once a day. Pick a book review you liked, which is NOT YOURS, and tweet it to your followers under the hashmark #helpotherbookblogs Don’t forget to leave a comment to that person about how much you like their blog, and that they were your “selfless pick” of the day. Just once a day, or even less – but do it. It won’t hurt you, I pr...
A fascinating narrative while trying to understand John Charles Gilkey, a man with no real job whose only passion is acquiring rare books by any means necessary...
Autobiography of Moab who is caught between his own morality and his community. After gaining his trust, the shin bet asks Mosab to work as a double agent...
I’ll Never Forget the Day I Read a Book! reviews Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith“What do you do as an encore after writing a best seller and trend setter like Pride and Prejudice and Zonbies? Seth Graham-Smith has turned from Jane Austen to Abraham Lincoln.” Primo Reads reviews The Ask by Sam Lipsyte “”The Ask” by Sam Lipsyte is a quick and enjoyable read. This novel is clearly...
Dirty Little Angels by Chris Tusa -A confused teenager, Hailey and her older brother turn to G-d, and befriend Moses who dreams of opening a drive thru church. ...
In a fascinating and insightful article, “A Novelist Re-Imagines Shakespeare’s Juliet — and Challenges Literary Snobbery” in the Wall St. Journal, author Anne Fortier talks about her visit to her homeland of Denmark and the change of perspective about art. Ms. Fortier was having lunch with friends when words like “ambitious” and “commercial” starting to fly around…but not in a good way.This was two days before...