Yitzhak Goldah survived a Nazi concentration camp in Czechoslovakia, he moved to Savannah, GA to live with his relatives Pearl and Abe Jesler. The Jeslers are part of a vivacious Jewish community in Georgia which has been there since the founding of the state (colony at the time).
The story is action packed, sometimes hilarious, sometimes amusing, but always entertaining.
A loan of $4,950 helps Rosendo to purchase bee-keeping materials and equipment so he can earn a better income for his family. Click here to donate yourself Rosendo’s story Sr. Rosendo is a 37-year old who lives in Chuquisaca Department in the municipality of Monteagudo. He lives in his own home, and his business is raising pigs. The loan being granted will be used to start a new bee-keeping business. Sr. Rosendo will produce honey, which will generate the income he needs to support his family.Sr. Rosendo attends the trainings at the San Isidro education center. He has a wife and three children who attend primary and secondary school. With the loan being granted, this borrower will purchase bee-keeping materials and equipment. This will give him and his family a new source of income so they can have a better standard of living, increased well-being and be able to live each day with their children in their home. This loan is special because: It offers entrepreneurs loans with grace periods to set up new businesses. Kate Kiva staff Click here to donate yourself
Ambrose Bierce (24 June, 1842 – circa 1914) was an journalist, short story writer, satirist and editorialist from the United States.
A loan of $10,000 helps Anita me enhance Onēva’s technology platform so we are able to scale hiring quickly which is necessary to meet our customer’s demand. Click here to donate yourself Anita’s story I grew up in Richmond, CA and am the youngest of 8 kids. After graduating from high school, I attended UC Berkeley and earned a BA with Double Majors in Economics and “Economics in the Black Community” followed by a Haas MBA. I enjoyed a fantastic corporate career and now, in my 50’s, have launched a start up with my Co-founder, Chief Technology Officer and husband of 30 years. We beat out over 100 companies to win “Best Startup Silicon Valley 2015”, are reviewing final drafts of our first corporate contract-a Fortune 50 firm that’s a household brand name, and are invited to Finland this summer as they selected Onēva as having the best elder care platform and service model in the world. Despite these market successes, finding investors is beyond hard. And I acknowledge that fund raising is hard for every CEO but sadly, studies confirm women entrepreneurs receive tiny percentages of all investment dollars. One of my dreams is to prove that capital chases…
The story is funny when seen from the view point of a child (as it is told) but somewhat tragic when read from a more mature, worldly, perspective.
What I truly enjoy in this series is that some of the people in it cannot keep on the straight and narrow path no matter what happens
Father’s Day is a time to reflect on all the things that your dad taught you. How much times did your dad spend reading to you before bed? As you grew older, how often did you two spend talking about your favorite books and sharing new finds? Reflecting on all those treasured memories is a great reminder of why you should treat your dad to something he enjoys this Father’s Day. If you’re looking for unique ideas, Personal Creations created this infographic on Father’s Day traditions around the world. Perhaps this year you want to go fishing like they do in South Africa, or prepare a huge breakfast like they do in Finland. Or maybe you and your dad have your own annual traditions. Whatever the case, don’t forget to do something to remind your dad how much you appreciate him this Sunday! Image courtesy of http://www.personalcreations.com/blog/fathers-day-traditions
John Hersey (17 June, 1914 – 24 March, 1993) was a prize winning American writer. Mr. Hersey is considered to be one of the earliest practitioners of New Journalism. Books by John Hersey His parents were Protestant missionaries, he was born in Tientsin, China. Mr. Hersey can trace his roots back to William Hersey (Hercy) who was one of the first settlers of Hingham, MA. The family came back to the New York when Mr. Hersey was ten years old. He played football at Yale University where one of his coaches was future President Gerald Ford. Mr. Hersey did his graduate work at the University of Cambridge. In 1937 Mr. Hersey got a summer job was as a private secretary / chauffer for Sinclair Lewis. Mr. Hersey wrote an essay on Time Magazine’s dismal quality, in the autumn of 1937 Time hired him. During World War II, Mr. Hersey covered the fighting in Europe and Asia for Time and Life magazines. He survived four airplane crashes and witnessed the invasion of Sicily. The Secretary of the Navy commanded Mr. Hersey for helping to evacuate wounded soldiers from Guadalcanal. Mr. Hersey’s account of the aftermath of the atomic bomb dropped on…
A very ambitious and well researched novel which tries to understand how good people simply roll over and help commit atrocities