DuBose Heyward (31 August, 1885 – 16 June, 1940) was an American author, he wrote a 1925 novel called Porgy, which was turned into the opera Porgy and Bess.
This book is short, but well organized, so well organized in fact that I noticed how organized it is. The themes, events, and theories all have their own place
What would happen if Zeus demanded religions be abandoned ? How would Superman fair vs Greek gods? How will the world react to the Greek pantheon?
Max Beerbohm was an English writer, and caricaturist. Among his siblings were actor Herbert Beerbohm Tree, author Constance Beerbohm, & explorer Julius Beerbohm
The author picked 25 of Japan’s most impressive castles. Each section consists of 4-6 pages with its own map directions, fantastic photography and explanations
Ahab’s Return: or, The Last Voyage by Jeffery Lord is a novel, imagining the famous Captain Ahab coming back from, what thought to have been, his last sail
The Ultimate Samurai Guide traces the history of Samurais, their way of life all the way to today. Mr. Bennett is a martial artist & a Kansai U professor
A non-fiction book which evaluates some of the decisions made by the Israeli government. The analysis of two smart guys, points I did not think about
John Hawkes (17 August, 1925 – 15 May, 1998) and an American novelist. He is known for his novels The Lime Twig (1961) and The Beetle Leg (1951) among others.
I found the relevant subjects of the story very interesting. The novel might or might not hold up remains to be seen but reading it these days is appropriate