An incredible book with fascinating characters their intrigue, exploration and adventure, focusing on the Jewish pirates as well as the legitimate Jewish seamen...
The fictional story of Harrison William Sheppard, a quite boy of a dull American bureaucrat and a saucy Mexican mother. Sheppard spends his childhood in Mexico...
Yesterday I asked bookbloggers on Twitter (#bookbloggers) how long do they spend writing book reviews...
Pearl in the Sand is a fascinating book, the biblical characters of Rahab, Salmone, Joshua, Ezra and others are skillfully brought to life by Tessa Afshar...
Tells the story of the 38 commercial flights, diverted away from the US due to closure of the 9/11, to land the small town of Gander, Newfoundland, Canada...
Winners of the Dirty Little Angels eBook giveaway have been chosen. Congratulations to all: banta.lucy@ mizztuts@ CarolNWong@ mishamary@ javadog70@...
A fictional, fast paced page turner, set mostly in days preceding the Normandy invasion in WWII. The story's unlikely hero is recruited by Churchill for MI5....
A series of written short stories which ultimately get intertwined, around Philippe Petit stringing a cable between the two towers of the World Trade Center...
The story is not a simple good vs. evil, the characters are flushed out, each has his or hers good side and bad side - shades of gray....
As we all probably already figured out, the publishing business model is in trouble. With the rising popularity of eBooks as eReaders drop in price what profit is there in retail book selling? Learning their lesson well from the faux pas of the music industry, the publishing world does not want to force consumers to buy the products they want to sell. Rather they would like to supply the products consumers want to buy. By no means...