Start Here!

August 12, 2010

My name is Zohar and I love books.


Who is this mysterious man?

I am a father of two mischievous kids, a husband to a wonderful woman, avid reader, blogger, software engineer & wood worker who is known the world over as a man of many interests and to his wife as “an idiot”.

I have been reading ever since I can remember, everything and anything I can get my hands onto. After a few years of hectic life changes (marriage, kids, etc.) I consciously decided to renew my reading habits.


Why blog?

I started this blog to share my thoughts about books. Most people think of reading as a solitary activity, I take the opposite view – I think reading could easily become a social activity and it’s even easier to do with the advent of the Internet.


What do you read?

I read everything and anything that captures my interest. I especially like biographies, history, historical-fiction, espionage and mysteries.

I have been known to just become interested in a subject (for example: The American Civil War) and simply read as much as I can about that subject until moving on. However, I am especially interested in World War II and Jewish themes – give me an espionage book set in WWII and I’m happy almost as if I got to visit Willie Wonka’s chocolate factory.

I also have a strong liking of American mythology (a.k.a. comics).


Why Man of la Book?

Hopefully you realize it’s a Quixotic pun.

I always loved the story of Don Quixote, I remember my grandfather reading me the children version when I was 5 years old and when I read to full story I realized what a magnificent story it is, told with humor (it is a comedy) and feelings.

Oh, yeah…and the domain was available.


What do you base your book rating on?

I rate the books I read from 1-5 (key is on the side) I base my rating simply on how I enjoyed the book, that’s it. For more see my Reviewer to Reader Taste Test.


Review Policy:

I don’t have a review policy because that would be too constricting. However after a bad experience with a self-published author I will not read any book which has not been through professional editing.

Sorry – one bad apple spoils the bunch.

I will be happy to work with authors, publishers and marketing personnel to accommodate publishing and marketing schedules as well as host giveaways and/or Author Q&A segments.

Authors & Publishers – PLEASE NOTE

The posts on this blog are not “book reviews” – they are my personal thoughts and enjoyment from the books I’ve read. I use the term “book review” only for SEO purposes and for the benefit of my followers who use RSS and

I hope you like my blog and feel free to comment.

|Zohar – Man of la Book

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Honorable mentions:

The Best Damn Creative Writing Blog: Spotlight: Awesome Book Blogs You Should Also Check Out
one of the best blogs on the internet for book-lovers” – author Sharon Kay Penman


  • MichaelMarch 30, 2011 at 8:53 am

    Just found your blog. Really nice!!
    If you like espionage set around WWII, you HAVE to read Alan Furst. Start with Night Soldiers or Dark Star, really good stuff.
    Also you should try Alex Berenson for some post 9/11 spy intrigue. The Faithful Spy is the first in this series and John Wells is as believable of a CIA OP as there is in fiction right now.

  • Harry HopkinsJune 15, 2011 at 4:55 pm

    Enjoyed your blog Zohar. Will visit often. Best…H

  • WistJuly 13, 2011 at 1:13 pm

    Very cozy in here, will be following closely.

  • debnance at readerbuzzAugust 8, 2011 at 12:43 pm

    I love the setup of your blog. Very user friendly! I must find out how you did this!

  • vicki washukAugust 24, 2011 at 8:20 pm

    would love you to review my book or add to your blog!

  • LindaSeptember 10, 2011 at 8:58 pm

    Your blog looks great and it is really well laid out. I think your idea of putting a blog link through Amazon Kindle is a great idea. I hope you are doing well with it.

    Thanks for the follow at and I am now following you!

    Take care,


  • MeganSeptember 28, 2011 at 9:08 am

    Hi Zohar,

    I’ve noticed a few comments of yours on Book Blogs and thought that I would come and check out your site.

    It’s very interesting, I like that you admit that your thoughts on books are just that and not book reviews.

    I’m a little the same I guess, I like to talk about the deeper context of stories and dig a little further than just explaining what the book is about. I think it’s fun to explore hidden meanings and analysis of texts.

    I’m pretty new to blogging but if you’re interested I’d love it if you could check out my blog and let me know your thoughts.

    It can be found at

    Hope to see a visit from you!

    Keep up the great work.


    • zoharNovember 6, 2011 at 11:06 am

      Great blog Megan, thanks for getting in touch.

  • Jackie PaulsonNovember 6, 2011 at 9:32 am

    Nice to meet you I do book reviews too, and like you I love to read anything. I do book reviews and I am an editor, I agree if a book is not published professionally than it’s just not the thing to buy read see be or do. ~Jackie

    • zoharNovember 6, 2011 at 11:06 am

      Nice to meet you too Jackie.

  • Patricia Blomeley-MaddiganNovember 13, 2011 at 10:06 am

    Hello, Quixote Man of la Book!

    I like your “Start Here” tab – a new take on “About”.

    I have been following your Tweets, especially the articles on books. I have never heard of Huff Post – have now spent too much time surfing through it!!!

    Knowing you are a man of mystery, (except to your wife, of course), dare I ask: “Are you a Canadian?”

    If you do not want to divulge the answer on this public forum, (or anywhere), which I will understand, you can email me, (and tell me to mind my own beeswax)….

    madley (AT) cogeco (DOT) ca

    Keep up the good posts!

    A Canadian

  • Karen Fisher-AlanizApril 26, 2012 at 8:57 pm

    Love the informality of your blog! And since you have a policy to have no policies, I’ll suggest my own book. It doesn’t exactly fit with the espionage that you like, but sort of does too. My father, a WWII veteran, began having symptoms of PTSD more than 50-years after the war. In short, we started talking, I started listening, he gave me 400 pages of letters he wrote during the war, and I learned that he hadn’t sat behind a desk like I’d thought.

    I don’t want to give it all away, but it does involve his work in naval intelligence as a top secret code breaker. Our story was published on 11/1/11 by a traditional publisher out of Chicago, Sourcebooks. You can read the first three chapters on my website. Keep up the great blogging. I like your style! ~Karen

  • sadie ForytheMay 21, 2012 at 11:30 am

    I’ve always wondered how Don Quixote being a comedy remains such an open secret. I was shocked when I finally read it. Great blog, worthy of its name.

  • Souraya ChristineJuly 17, 2012 at 2:29 am

    Hi Zohar! Being that you are currently having “email Issues” I was wondering how to go about submitting a request for a “review” of my non-fiction novel, “When is Strong – Strong Enough?” I normally would have attached the media kit so that you could use it to determine your level of interest, however, you may also find information on my above-listed website. I look very forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks for your time.

  • AJ PadgettJuly 25, 2012 at 5:02 pm

    I recently self published my new book “Mission Over Indochine” and wondered how I can get it on your site. I would appreciate any information you can give.
    Thanks, AJ

  • Bradlee FrazerAugust 21, 2012 at 1:58 pm


    Great blog! Thanks for the reviews and commentary. If I can send you a complimentary review copy of The Cure, please drop me a note–I’d welcome your feedback.


  • Cheryl MasciarelliAugust 25, 2012 at 4:09 pm

    Found your website and would like to extend an invitation to join our group of hosts/reviewers. We book tours for authors of mystery, suspense and crime novels. If interested, please contact me at and would be happy to provide more details.

  • Keddy FlettAugust 27, 2012 at 9:25 pm

    Hey Zohar,

    I am signed to Crooked {Cat} Publishing and I was hoping that my debut title, a fun, fearless and f*ked up trippy road-trip travelogue, Swallow the Swell could possibly be reviewed?

    Please let me know if you’re interested in reviewing the book and I’ll shoot it over! Your time and consideration is greatly appreciated.


    The book
    Meet Keddy Flett, a beer-bellied twenty-six year old man who needs change in his life. Desperately. And so, with more neuroses than Woody Allen to his disadvantage, Keddy and his Chinese girlfriend Poppy Lin flee Sydney, Australia, in favour of South America. However, Keddy is about to encounter his demons in the most awkward, tense and socially paralysing way possible…

    Told from Keddy’s point of view, in a stream-of-conscious first person narrative, the reader hitches a ride in the distorted, sarcastic and hilarious crevasses of Keddy’s brain as he swings through Argentina, Bolivia and a cast of colourful and kooky characters – characters sometimes likeable but mostly gaggingly stab-able.

  • Kit MastersAugust 28, 2012 at 10:56 am

    Hi Zohar,

    Would love you to take a look at my book.

    Here’s the chat:

    KBM would like to invite you to review the debut book by Kit Masters, “Rūta.”

    The book is literary fiction, with around a hundred pages and twenty two full colour fine art images.

    “Rūta is growing up in afailing school and a failing society.
    “There is nothing I can do to help her.”

    Britain’s teenagers have registered their anger and vitriol,they rioted. Rūta enters the debate about whether teenagers are becomingincreasingly anti social. Kit Masters has experienced the amoral, inconsiderate and unkind element of the emerginggeneration first hand.

    Rūta delves into the conscience of asecondary school teacher, optimistic and enthusiastic at the start of his career. He falls in love with his tutorgroup, one of whom, Rūta, a new arrival from Lithuania, seems to him a perfect student. He fixates on what sherepresents, as the reality of modern schools saps his energy and weakens his resolve. When Rūta finds herself in danger he facesa crisis he cannot to rise to.

    Rūta exposes the social infectionwhich is multiplying in our schools. It traces an all too common pattern in schools; an enthusiastic young teacher’sdecline into nervosa as war breaks out in the classroom.

    “Having toyed with the idea of teaching you have certainly opened my eyes.” Jayne( comment)

    The book tells a compelling tragic arc, an allegory of the lives of those who teach and learn in failing institutions.

    “… this is Rūta’s beguiling self, a maze of confusion and promise, yes I wanted to ask for more.” Tricia Lomax (Author of 4am to 4pm)

    “Thisis a powerful and original book. One that I think could change many opinions.” Jayne ( comment)

    Kit Masters grew up in middle England, and went to a middle school. He never knew what to do with himself. As astudent he wrote, painted, designed and did science. His degree is in Architecture. As an adult he still doesn’t know what to do with himself. He has never chosen one discipline in the Arts and he has found himself teaching Physics. His writing reflects his varied life and varied interests.

    This submission will be in the form of a .pdf advance read copy.

    We are looking for reviews on Amazon, weblogs and cataloguing site, (librarything, goodreads etc,) ahead of the paperback edition.

    Sincere thanks for considering this and kind regards,


  • Patrick ThibeaultSeptember 23, 2012 at 4:20 am

    Hello Zohar

    My name is Patrick and I got My Journey as a Combat Medic ebook published by Osprey Publishing. I would like for you to review it. I have it only in PDF format. Please let me know if you are interested and I can email to you

    Thank you

    Patrick Thibeault

  • ejrunyonSeptember 29, 2012 at 9:28 pm

    Hi Zohar,

    Thought you’d like knowing, how much I liek your blog, week after week, I keep coming back.
    Just a little things you may want to see: You’re on my list for a Blogger Appreciation Award.

  • Khanh HoFebruary 8, 2013 at 11:13 am

    After you recommended my blog on twitter, I had to come and visit your site. And I’m glad I did. What a beautiful interface and a wonderful graphic. I look forward to many pleasurable hours scrolling through the digital hearth in which you have made a virtual home.

  • Beverley EikliAugust 29, 2013 at 2:28 am

    I agree that thoughts on what worked in a book are often just as good as a full-blown review which can be a rehashing of the plot with just a sentence summing up.

    Nice blog, Zohar.

    all the best,


  • Elizabeth (Silver's Reviews)March 24, 2014 at 7:49 am

    I love historical fiction.

    GREAT post and introduction to YOU.

    Have a great week.

    Silver’s Reviews
    My Blog

  • Laurie OakleyOctober 20, 2014 at 6:01 pm

    I am so amused that you hated “Eat, Pray, Love.” (I’ve never heard anyone say that)! If you would be interested in reading CRAZY AND IT WAS, a memoir concerning pharmaceutical corruption, I am sending out advance reader copies soon. Like “Pox,” there is a lot of scientific information grafted into the story. Professional copy editing is underway.

  • Bert EntwistleApril 17, 2016 at 4:06 pm


    Love the blog, would you consider reading one of my novels?

    All four are on my website, the newest is The Taylor Legacy.



  • Keith Van SickleDecember 16, 2016 at 9:44 pm

    Hi Zohar,

    I see from your blog that you have read a lot of books about WWII. I read a series of books about the war by Max Gallo (1940, 1941, etc.) The books are mostly from a French perspective which is interesting because it is different from our own. As is the perspective of Brits, Italians, etc.

    I wrote a short article on this subject that you might find interesting and maybe a little amusing:



  • Jennifer Ann CorganJanuary 26, 2022 at 2:08 am

    I really enjoy your website and the books you review. I just started my own blog, if you want to check it out.

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