Search results for: civil war

Tightwad Tuesday — Affordable eBooks — World War II
Latest Posts , Tightwad Tuesday / January 29, 2013

This week I thought I’ll find some free books dealing with World War II. If you follow this blog you know that I read a lot of WWII books, I find that period in history both horrifying and fascinating at the same time. With each book I read, I discover something new, some new fact or story. There were tremendous acts of disgrace and horror, but also many acts (unfortunately not as many) of humanity and kindness. At the time of this post, the books below were free or $2.99 — please check before downloading. The Battle of Stalingrad: A Very Brief History by Mark Black Digital List Price: $2.99 Kindle Price: $0.00 includes free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet You Save: $2.99 (100%) Want to learn more about history, but don’t think you have the time? Think again. The Battle of Stalingrad was one of the most important campaigns of the war in Europe, inflicting huge losses on the German forces; losses from which they never really recovered. This is the story of a battle raged for almost seven months, and was often fought from street to street, with soldiers engaged in close quarters combat. By the end, the number…

Guest Review: So Sad to Fall in Battle: an Account of War by Tadamichi Kuribayashi
Guest Posts , Latest Posts , Non-Fiction / October 30, 2012

Few people in America knew who Tadamichi Kuribayashi was before Clint Eastwood’s heartrending film, Letters from Iwo Jima. They wouldn’t have known by name that Kuribayashi, ultimately, was the man responsible for one-third of the deaths in the Marine Corps in the Pacific theater of World War II. So Sad to Fall in Battle is available on Kindle, hardcover, and paperback. Letters from an unorthodox general Eastwood’s work (which is based on freelance author Kumiko Kakehashi’s book So Sad to Fall in Battle) makes clear that Kuribayashi was no ordinary soldier. Interviews with widows of long lost soldiers and the very letters and pictures that Kuribayashi penned to his dying day reveal a man unlike any American-held stereotype of a WWII-era Japanese. Far from the suicidal fanatics portrayed in Hollywood (who did, admittedly, exist, though in greater complexity than typically believed), Kuribayashi refused to allow his subordinates to execute banzai charges. Where many superiors in the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy were hyper-sensitive to class distinctions and made their disdain corporally known to all inferiors, Kuribayashi held the view that his men were not expendable. He ate the same rations as his men, drank the same water collected in rainstorms, and walked every inch…

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