Book Review Blog Carnival

The Picket Line reviews Among the Dead Cities by A.C. Grayling “Grayling meticulously describes how the policy of destroying cities developed and what goals it was meant to serve” Man of la Book reviews Citizen Soldiers by Stephen Ambrose “a fas­ci­nat­ing book about the Euro­pean the­ater in World War II, as told by the men on the front lines” Life As I Know It pontificates about re-reading The Dark Tower series by Stephen King “Because each book was better than the last” Man of la Book reviews A Death in Vienna by Daniel Silva “The plot is full of twists and turns, a won­der­ful cast of char­ac­ters ” Wifely Steps reviews The Dolce Vita Diaries by Cathy Rogers, Jason Gibb “I think we’ve all had that desire to just jump out of our day jobs and pursue a passion, an interest, a wish we know would just make our lives more exciting and meaningful if it came into fruition.” Addicted to Media reviews The Dragon Book, edited by Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois “This is a magical collection of stories and one that I am glad to have on my bookshelf.” Frontier Psychiatrist reviews Eaarth; Making A Life on a…

Fun Facts Friday: Dashiell Hammett
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / May 27, 2011

Today we mark the birthday of Dashiell Hammett (1894 – 1961), born Samuel Dashiell Hammett. A prolific writer who popularized the hardboiled detective fiction, Mr. Hammett wrote such classics as “The Maltese Falcon” and “The Thin Man”.

Guest Post: It’s the Summer of Gomez!
Guest Posts , Latest Posts / May 26, 2011

It’s the Summer of Gomez! Get free books and win a Kindle or iPod. As reviewers have been calling “No Hope for Gomez!” the perfect summer read – light, fast, fun – I decided to give this summer’s Gomez readers some exclusive content and the chance to win prizes. About No Hope for Gomez! It’s the age-old tale: – Boy meets girl. – Boy stalks girl. – Girl already has a stalker. – Boy becomes her stalker-stalker.We’ve seen it all before, many times, but this time it’s different. If only slightly.When Gomez Porter becomes a test subject in an experimental drug trial, he is asked to keep track of any strange experiences through a blog. What Gomez isn’t ready for, is so many of his experiences suddenly seeming strange; the antiques dealer trying to buy his old tax papers, the phone-sex salesman who hounds him day and night, the super sexy lab assistant who falls for him but is unable to express herself in terms outside the realm of science. But when one of the trial participants turns up dead and another goes missing, Gomez begins to fear for his life. No longer sure who he can trust…

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