Mission to Mach 2: A Fighter Pilot’s Memoir of Supersonic Flight by Earl Haney and Lee Courtnage is an exciting book, very readable and engaging. Earl
Mr. Enzmann’s sarcastic sense of humor shines through the pages. For example, the Austrian army’s generous handing out medals
The book is divided into five parts; Home Port, The Atlantic, The Arabian Sea, The Eastern Seas, and The Pacific. Each of these has descriptive sections.
A non-fiction historical account of the drive from Normandy to Germany. The book is a treasure trove of soldiers’ portraits, personal accounts and interviews.
One of the most significant outcomes of 1961 was the perceived weakness Khrushchev found in Kennedy, prompted him to place missiles in Cuba & give up Berlin
Michael Korda treats this pivotal occurrence in the life of T.E. Lawrence’s with sensitivity and seriousness it deserves.
Part of the book is a scathing criticism of what was then the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), part is a memoir and part is interjections by Mr. Shaines