Book Review: Mission to Mach 2 by Earl Haney and Lee Courtnage

December 13, 2011


Mission to Mach 2: A Fighter Pilot’s Memoir of Supersonic Flight by Earl Haney and Lee Courtnage is Mr. Haney’s memoir about his military career. The memoir mostly focus on Haney’s fascinating Air-Force career.

  • 228 pages
  • Publisher: Mcfarland
  • ISBN: 0786463163

My rating for Mission to Mach 24

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Mission to Mach 2: A Fighter Pilot’s Memoir of Supersonic Flight by Earl Haney and Lee Courtnage is an exciting book, very readable and engaging. Earl Haney, known in the Air Force as Mr. Earl, flew supersonic jets during the Cold War, Vietnam and afterwards.

Mr. Earl was a pilot in an amazing time, even though let’s be honest, is there really not an amazing time to be a fighter pilot? The age of supersonic jet planes was matured during Mr. Earl’s service and he got to fly many of the new airplanes putting himself in mortal danger and his courage and stamina stretched to their limits.

Mr. Earl also tells about his time in the world famous “Thunderbirds” where he flew the F-100 plane, as well as exciting stories from his combat days, test pilot days, as well as being a respected instructor in the Fighter Weapons School and valued commander in the military.

This memoir is filled with bizarre incidents, tactical scenarios and wonderful anecdotes. Mr. Earl seems to be a very private man as there is very little about his home life. There is the obligatory chapter about his childhood, his beloved mother, a little about the rough life of a military family and about his sons which he is obviously very proud in.

So tell me, do you like memoirs with a lot or little background?


Famed pilot Earl Haney relates stories from his amazing career as an Air-Force pilot, “top-gun” instructor, the Vietnam War, the Cold War and from this test pilot adventures. As a member of the “Thunderbirds” and an admired fighter pilot with more than 200 mission Mr. Earl played a central role in a significant period of aviation history.

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Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book for free
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books
Article first published as Book Review: Mission to Mach 2: A Fighter Pilot’s Memoir of Supersonic Flight by Earl Haney and Lee Courtnage on Blogcritics.

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Mission to Mach 2: A Fighter Pilot’s Memoir of Supersonic Flight by Earl Haney and Lee Courtnage
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Mission to Mach 2: A Fighter Pilot’s Memoir of Supersonic Flight by Earl Haney and Lee Courtnage

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