Search results for: Napoleon

Fun Facts Friday: Wilkie Collins
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / January 8, 2016

Wilkie Collins (8 January, 1824 – 23 September, 1889) was a popular English author best known for The Woman in White and The Moonstone. Mr. Collins is credited with writing novels full of intrigue and mystery, forerunners to today’s popular detective novels.

Book Review: Memory of Flames by Armand Cabasson
5 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / November 5, 2014

The author sets the stage early, Lt. Col. Quentin Margont, the pragmatist protagonist, sees the world in black and white, the political weasel Talleyrand who only sees shades of grey and dances political circles Napoleon’s brother, Joseph, whose ego gets in the way of him seeing reality.

Book Review: The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
4 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / August 27, 2013

Young Edmond Dante, a sailor, has almost been named captain of a ship and is in preparations of marrying his sweetheart. But Dante becomes the victim of a sinister plot which leads to false imprisonment in an island fortress. The naïve Dante doesn’t realize how serious his situation is and that the chances of him ever seeing the light of day decline daily.

After several years, and with the help of a friend, Dante manages to escape the prison and plots his revenge.

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