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Fun Facts Friday: Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff
Latest Posts / March 9, 2018

Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff (March 10, 1788 – November 26, 1857) was a Prussian novelist, playwright, translator and poet. Mr. Eichendorff was considered to be a major writer of Romanticism. 1) Both of his parents were aristocrats from old noble families. His family, however, was always in dire straits. 2) As a young man, Mr. Eichendorff was schooled at home and kept a diary from a very young age. 3) Mr. Eichendorff was said to have been a gifted actor and his brother, Wilhelm, a very good singer and guitar player. 4) One of his most famous poems, The Broken Ring (Das zerbrochene Ringlein), was written after a 19 year old woman broke his heart. 5) The author tried to join the Lützow Free Corps to fight Napoleon. By the time he had enough money to buy a uniform, gun, and a horse the war was over. 6) He married Aloysia von Larisch in 1809. Unfortunatly for his parents who hoped he’d marry a rich bride to save their indebted estate, Ms. Larisch was from a poor Catholic family but still a noble one. 7) Sadly, four of the couple’s children died at young age. 8) The author’s main occupation was a civil servant for the Prussian government. 9) Some of the author’s poems…

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