Walking the eBook Walk
Opinion / October 7, 2010

After all we were all sold an eReader based on the premise that books which carry no overhead of printer ink, paper, trucks, drivers, fuel etc. will be cheaper

The 53rd Book Review Blog Carnival

Man of la Book reviews Barefoot in Baghdad by Manal M. Omar “Barefoot in Baghdad: A Story of Identity-My Own and What It Means to Be a Woman in Chaos” by Manal M. Omar is a memoir which the author wrote of her time working as a Non-governmental organizations called “Women for Women” in Iraq. Ms. Omar is an American woman and a devout Muslim, which gives her a unique perspective.” MYSTERIES in PARADISE reviews A Beautiful Place to Die by Malla Nunn “Superb debut crime fiction novel by an Australian author. Set in South Africa in 1952 at the beginning of legislated apartheid. ” Indian Eagle’s Diary reviews The Big Short by Michael Lewis “As someone who was in the thick of these things in the spectacular collapse that happened in 2008, it is amazing how a book like The Big Short gives you a view in what happened in retrospect. I was a student while the collapse happened and we were grappling with the possibility of being unemployed despite passing out from one of the top ranked institutes in India.” Man of la Book reviews Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith “Child 44″ by Rob Tom Smith is…

Poll Results – impulse purchase price for eBooks
Uncategorized / September 23, 2010

Yesterday I asked a simple question on several reading groups on Facebook and to my Tweeter following: What is your “impulse purchase” price for an eBook? The answers were varied and interesting. Some people just plopped a number down, other gave very sound reasoning (“depends on the author” was the most popular). The numbers ran the gamete from $0 to $12.99. Wow, I wish I had to funds to buy every $12.99 eBook I wanted – good for the person that they can do so. The median impulse purchase price was $4 with an average of $3.66. However, if I took out the highest ($12.99) and lowest ($0) numbers, the median became $5 while the average was $4.31. These are interesting results but were just about were I thought they would be. With the prices of eBooks inching up every week, I think this un-scientific and small poll just might reflects a much wider audience of readers. I have no idea if a book sells more when it’s $3-$4 to be worth it to the publisher to drop the price, but it sure is an interesting question. By the way, my impulse purchase price is around $4 (and I have…

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