Fun Facts Friday: Max Beerbohm

August 24, 2018

Max Beerbohm (24 August, 1872 – 20 May, 1956) was an English writer, and caricaturist.

Fun Facts Friday: Max Beerbohm
Books by Max Beerbohm*

Fun facts about Max Beerbohm*

  1. Beerbohm was the youngest of nine children.
  2. Among his half-siblings were, Herbert Beerbohm Tree, was a known actor when the writer was a child, author Constance Beerbohm, and explorer/author Julius Beerbohm.
  3. He signed his artwork as “Max”, this is the name he was always known as.
  4. At Oxford Mr. Beerbohm became acquainted with Oscar Wilde through Herbert Beerbohm Tree, the famed actor.
  5. While at Oxford, he already started submitting articles and caricatures to London publications.
  6. He left Oxford since he was already becoming well known. He was also not to enthused about his studies.
  7. He met his wife, the American actress Florence Kahn, in 1904. The couple were married in 1910 and moved to Italy where they spent their life except the duration of both World Wars when they returned to England.
  8. In 1913 The Times called him “the greatest of English comic artists”.
  9. In 1939 Mr. Beerbohm was knighted by George VI.
  10. Several museums have major collections of Mr. Beerbohm’s caricatures.

Books by Max Beerbohm*

Zohar — Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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Fun Facts Friday: Max Beerbohm
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Fun Facts Friday: Max Beerbohm
Max Beerbohm (24 August, 1872 – 20 May, 1956) was an English writer, and caricaturist
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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