Book Review: Thomas Jefferson’s Crème Brûlée by Thomas J. Craughwell
4 Stars , Latest Posts , Non-Fiction / October 8, 2012

Article first published as Book Review: Thomas Jefferson’s Crème Brûlée: How a Founding Father and His Slave James Hemings Introduced French Cuisine to America by Thomas J. Craughwell on Blogcritics. About: Thomas Jefferson’s Crème Brûlée: How a Founding Father and His Slave James Hemings Introduced French Cuisine to America by Thomas J. Craughwell is a non-fiction book which covers the time Jefferson spent as an ambassador in Europe from a culinary point of view. At the time, Hemings was 20 years younger then Jefferson and brother to the young Sally Hemings. The pub­lisher is giv­ing away one copy to three (3) winners of this book –to enter fill out the Raf­fle­copt­ter form at the end of the post 256 pages Publisher: Quirk Books Language: English ISBN-10: 1594745781 My rating for Thomas Jefferson’s Crème Brûlée – 4 Buy this book in paper or electronic format* More Books By Thomas J. Craughwell Thoughts: I was excited to read Thomas Jefferson’s Crème Brûlée: How a Founding Father and His Slave James Hemings Introduced French Cuisine to America by Thomas J. Craughwell, I have read a few books about Thomas Jefferson but never from this perspective. I even went to the local liquor store and picked up Thomas Jefferson’s Tavern Ale…

Star Wars Reads Events
Latest Posts / October 6, 2012

The folks at Star Wars reads have generously donated a Star Wars reads t-shirt and Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia –to enter fill out the Raf­fle­copt­ter form at the end of the post Due to a mistake I made with the Rafflecopter form I extended the giveaway one more day Today October 6th, 2012, fans will come together to celebrate reading, Star Wars and reading Star Wars. There are many events n book stores and libraries all around the nation Check out the map on the Star Wars Reads website to find an event near you. These events was created by Lucasfilm and its publishing partners. There are over 1,000 events across the country, each one unique and may include author appearances, crafts, trivia, contests and exclusive giveaways. Remember, these events are to promote reading in general – support them if you can. Come back and let me know how you enjoyed them. Give­away Give­away ends: Octo­ber 07, 2012 (TODAY!!!) US Ship­ping Addresses Only No PO Boxes Win­ners will have 24 hours to write back with their address, oth­er­wise an alter­nate win­ner will be picked Congratulations: ladyofnarnia@ Zohar – Man of la Book

Guest Review: Star Wars: The Last Command by Timothy Zahn
Fiction , Latest Posts / October 6, 2012

Wel­come to another install­ment of “Thoughts from the Ran­cor Pit” in which Andrew and David from the fab­u­lous blog “Ran­cors Love to Read” will review books tak­ing place in the Star Wars uni­verse. This time they are review­ing The Last Command the third install­ment in The Thrawn Tril­ogy which pop­u­lar­ized the Star Wars books. Also, don’t forget that today, 6 October, 2012 is the Star Wars Reads day which will be marked with activities promoting Star Wars, reading and reading Star Wars in book stores across the nation. The good folks at Star Wars Reads have given Man of la Book some cool giveaways to promote this most excellent event. Check it out and enter – THIS IS A ONE DAY GIVEAWAY, I will pick the winner on Sunday. Buy this Star Wars Book in paper or elec­tronic copy* More Books by Timothy Zahn Andrew: Orig­i­nally pub­lished at 5/5 Rancors – The Last Command is the climactic novel in Timothy Zahn’s superb Thrawn Trilogy, a series published in the early 1990’s that laid the groundwork for much of the Star Wars Expanded Universe that was to come. All of Zahn’s carefully constructed plotting comes together here in an action-packed and highly rewarding tale, intertwining the…

Gues Review: Emotional Wellness by Osho
Guest Posts , Latest Posts , Non-Fiction / October 4, 2012

About: Emotional Wellness: Transforming Fear, Anger, and Jealousy into Creative Energy by Osho is an amazing book that helps us understand our emotions, why they appear and how they influence our life decisions, are they manipulating us, and can we break out of our unhealthy patterns when we deal with them. Here Osho offers a new and effective approach for us to better cope with our emotions, sharing his wisdom for living healthy emotional life. Length: 304 pages Publisher: Crown Publishing Group, Apr 24, 2007 Language: English ISBN-10: 030733788X Buy this book in paper or electronic format Thoughts: At the very beginning of this book Osho gives an introduction into the real nature of the emotions. He explains how they cannot be permanent: “That’s why they are called emotions – the word comes from motion, movement. They move; hence, they are emotions.” Our emotions constantly change. How we feel now is not how we’ll feel tomorrow. But they are not our nature. We should not define ourselves and act upon those emotions, thoughts and feelings. When we act based on them is the moment the problems begin. Instead we should rise ourselves above them and not let them guide our…

Book Review: A Wilderness of Error by Errol Morris
5 Stars , Latest Posts , Non-Fiction / October 4, 2012

Article first published as Book Review: A Wilderness of Error by Errol Morris on Blogcritics. About: A Wilderness of Error : The Trials of Jeffrey MacDonald by Errol Morris is a true-crime non-fiction book about the MacDonald Trial. Jeffrey MacDonald, former Captain in the Green Berets, a medical doctor, Princeton graduate, father and husband was convicted for murdering his family in 1970. The publisher is giving away one copy of this book –to enter fill out the Rafflecoptter form at the end of the post 544 pages Publisher: The Penguin Press HC Language: English ISBN-10: 1594203431 My rating for A Wilderness of Error – 5 Buy this book in paper or electronic format* More Books by Errol Morris Thoughts: Errol Morris (website | @ErrolMorris) has a career full of interesting and thought provoking movies including “The Thin Blue Line” which freed Randall Dale Adams from after being wrongfully convicted for murder and sentenced for life, as well as the academy award winning documentary “The Fog of War”. I had a chance to revisit “The Fog of War” in the past few weeks, knowing I would be reading Mr. Morris’ book, the documentary has very little narration and relies on interviews,…

Book Review: The Hunger Angel by Herta Müller
4 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / October 3, 2012

Article first published as Book Review: The Hunger Angel by Herta Müller on Blogcritics. About: The Hunger Angel by Herta Müller is a German novel taking place in a Soviet forced labor camp at the end of World War II. Ms. Müller won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature. 304 pages Publisher: Metropolitan Books Language: English ISBN-10: 080509301X My rating for The Hunger Angel – 4 Buy this book in paper or electronic format* More Books by Herta Müller Check out this & more World War II books on Man of la BookStore Thoughts: The Hunger Angel by Herta Müller takes place in 1945, when the Soviet Union demanded that all Romanian Germans who are 17 to 45 years of age be relocated to forced labor camps in order to help rebuild the devastated nation. According to the author’s note at the end of the book, she spent many hours talking to poet Oskar Pastior who suffered under the decree. Müller filled four notebooks with Mr. Pastior’s testimony until 2006, when he suddenly passed away. This is an extraordinary book about the hardships the German people faced after the war, as Leo Auberg, the protagonist states: “To this day, the hunger angel speaks out of your mouth. But no matter what he says, this…

Book Review: Telegraph Avenue by Michael Chabon
4 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / October 2, 2012

Nat Jaffe and Archy Stallings are the owners of Brokeland Records, one of the few bastions of vinyl record stores left in Oakland, CA circa 2004. In comes Gibson Goode, ex-NFL star, multi-millionaire and entrepreneur who wants to open his Dogpile megastore in the area. The megastore will force Brokeland Records, who are struggling as it is, to close

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