Fun Facts Friday: Ivanhoe
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / October 19, 2012

Yesterday I posted about Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott. I truly enjoyed the book and found out some fascinating things about it I’d like to share. 1 ) The novel is credit with the revival of interest in Medieval England when it was published. 2 ) Current perceptions of Robin Hood (loyal, joyful, patriotic and descent) are all thanks to his depiction in Ivanhoe, including him splitting a competitor’s arrow and the title of “Locksley”. The original placing of Robin Hood in 16th and 17th Century ballads and stories are about two centuries later during the reign of Edward. 3 ) The novel is written in contemporary English, but in the 12th Century nobles spoke a mixture of medieval French and medieval English. 4 ) The name Cedric was first used in Ivanhoe. The name is actually Cerdic but Scott misspelled it and it stuck. 5 ) The first Jewish female college student in the US, Rebecca Graz of Philadelphia, is said to be the inspiration for Rebecca, daughter of Issac of York. 6 ) There are at least 6 well known takeoffs or sequels for Ivanhoe. 7 ) Scott was a conservative at his time, he set his novel at the time of the Magna Carta which he “regarded as…

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