The path we find ourselves going along with Mr. Foer on his journey is delightful, inventing and funny, the people he meets are interesting and quirky.
The detail Nesbø brings to his characters & to Oslo is riveting and compelling. Nesbø takes the reader into nooks of the city where tourists rarely venture
This book is certainly worth reading, there are some faults but it is a wonderful first effort by Mr. Lukas who certainly has a story telling capability
While Lisa Napoli’s take on Bhutan is strictly of an outside observer, I still found the window she opened to the country fascinating
There is great insight on how Jews were persecuted and the struggles they faced. However, the author uses these adversities to highlight the Jewish spirit
“The Death Instinct” by Jed Rubenfeld is a fictional thriller set in the 1920’s. The book centers around the historical Wall St. bombing of 1916.
I loved what This Book Is Overdue: How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All was trying to do – make librarians relevant at the age of Google
An easy read and well written story. The narrative is clean and sometime even lyrical. The characters are multi-dimensional, vivid and fully realized
While not written in chronological order, the book is thought provoking as it deals with people impacted by decisions of world leaders thousands of miles away.