A persuasive case that perjury, lying & interfering with investigations are not some minor technicalities buy serious crimes which undermine the justice system
Dr. Kissinger writes about the country he has known for decades. Recounting Chinese history and culture, examines how China sees itself and the outside world.
One of the most significant outcomes of 1961 was the perceived weakness Khrushchev found in Kennedy, prompted him to place missiles in Cuba & give up Berlin
This is an amazing compilation which gives us insight into the mind of two ambitious men who are striving towards a goal no-one thought possible.
I loved what This Book Is Overdue: How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All was trying to do – make librarians relevant at the age of Google
The book is written in a way which the reader understands the socio-economic realities the Mongols lived in, as well as the brutality of how wealth was won.
Tells the story of the 38 commercial flights, diverted away from the US due to closure of the 9/11, to land the small town of Gander, Newfoundland, Canada
Autobiography of Moab who is caught between his own morality and his community. After gaining his trust, the shin bet asks Mosab to work as a double agent
Mr. Gul is an expert on the subject and breezes through acronyms, even though to his credit he explains who they are / were several times in the narrative
Even though Don Quixote – by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was written centuries ago I found it contemporary, charming, hilarious and accessible.