Tomorrow will be the birthday of Pulitzer Prize winning Author Michael Shaara (23 Jun, 1928 – 5 May, 1988). Mr. Shaara’s book, The Killer Angels has been one of my favorites American Civil War novels and his son, Jeff, continues with the tradition. Books by Michael Shaara 1 ) Michael Shaara was born to Italian immigrants who spelled their name Sciarra (pronounced the same). 2 ) Mr. Shaara was born in Jersey City, NJ and graduated from Rutgers, the state university. 3 ) He served in the 82nd Airborne Division during The Korean War. 4 ) Before he started selling stories, Mr. Shaara was an amateur boxer and a police officer. 5 ) in the 1950s Mr. Shaara sold science fiction stories to magazines of the genre. 6 ) Mr. Shaara taught literature in Florida State University. 7 ) Michael Shaara wrote 5 novels (The Broken Place (1968), The Killer Angels (1974), The Noah Conspiracy, (also known as The Herald – 1981), Soldier Boy (1982) and For Love of the Game which was published posthumously in 1991. 8 ) In 1972 Mr. shaara had a horrible car accident in which he was nearly killed and never fully recovered. 9 ) After…
Tomorrow, February 18 we will celebrate the birthday of award winning author Toni Morrison. An author, speaker, professor, and mother, Ms. Morrison has accomplished a lot and deserves to be honored as one of American’s greatest living treasures.
This week we celebrated the birthday of Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Besides being the wife of the famous aviator, she was an accomplished woman in her own right
Spy extraordinaire Leo Hoffman is, again, in some forsaken place trying to get a government, any government, secure a safe corner in the world for him and his daughter
Author Lelia Levinson travels all over the world and the US in order to get firsthand accounts from other surviving liberators of Nazi camps.
The book centers on Solomon Dwek, son of a rabbi, born in Deal, NJ. Dwek made his fortune as an unlicensed real estate broker and got caught in a ponzi scheme
The Soprano State: New Jersey’s Culture of Corruption by Bob Ingle & Sandy McClure is informative, funny and entertaining yet horrifying at the same time
After traveling the country with his mother, Amory attends St. Regis prep school, even though lazy, manages somehow to have his pick of Ivy Leagues