Leonard Lundell resides in an ugly world, working an ugly job, living an ugly life. Everyone around him is either fat (usually), ugly, old, lazy, or an idiot.
I enjoyed reading about life in Jordan, the country always fascinated me with its culture and history. From legends about Petra, stories of King Hussain
I the magical realism, an explanation of Chinese calligraphy. A fascinating read into what makes up the calligraphy symbols, and how Daiyu interprets them
Mr. Gray did a vast amount of research, it certainly shows in this book which is both dark and moody. Kudos to him for writing about the unknown soldiers
One could assert that The Devil’s Whisper is influenced by Dracula. At some points, the literary narrative is told through letters, as well as diary entries.
Nine Tenth of the Law by Claudia Hagadus Long, while certainly dealing with serious issues, comes across as light hearted, with poignant and clever observations
I enjoyed reading about the daily life of a different culture. The translator, did a fantastic job at getting the spirit and atmosphere across
The author did an excellent job pulling off the dual timeline. I was surprise to learn that The Lost Apothecary is her first book
This book is brilliant, insane and twisted – a grotesque fable, sometimes funny & beautifully written. Even my daughter came to enjoy it after the first chapter
I enjoyed the interaction between Ingrid and David. I thought that plot device worked well to personalize the events, & also to highlight the history