In Never Give Up: A Life of Adventure, author Bear Grylls shares anecdotes from his life, business, TV shows, as well as family adventures...
A mesmerizing yet profoundly sad book since we know the outcome from the onset. The author’s 27-year-old daughter fell ill with porphyria and lapsed into a coma...
A home library is a designated area for your new books, old books, and anything else related to books. It can also be used as a place to work and study....
Favorite book quotes from this week, including Michael Willrich, John Grisham, Emma Donoghue,Steven Pressfield, Adam Levin, Victor Hugo, & Philip Kerr...
Johann David Wyss was an author, folklorist, and editor hailing from Switzerland. His best-known novel is The Swiss Family Robinson....
I enjoyed reading about the daily life of a different culture. The translator, did a fantastic job at getting the spirit and atmosphere across...
I think most can agree that history is nuanced, Hollywood and Israel: A History by Anthony Shaw and Giora takes great effort to drive that point home...
Favorite book quotes from this week, including Cervantes, Ellen Horan, Harry Hurwitz,Ted Sherman,Josh Margolin, and Jamie Ford...
Anthony Burgess was an English writer, poet, and composer. Mr. Burgess is known for his comic, dystopian works; the best known of them is A Clockwork Orange....
The author & his family on a series of vacations following Jefferson’s 1788 book attempting to observer what he saw and experienced...