Search results for: iraq war

Tightwad Tuesday — Affordable eBooks — International Cookbooks
Latest Posts , Tightwad Tuesday / March 19, 2013

I suddenly developed an interest in cooking. Not your everyday variety, but a few things which are a hit in our house and in parties. I make a great BBQ eggplant sandwich, decadent pear with bacon appetizer (goat cheese and honey … it works) and am the master of all omelettes. Being raised outside of the US usually means that you get used to unheard ingredients like “fresh vegetables” and “crap free meat” and such other hard to find items. My beloved wife (may she live a long life) is a most excellent cook and baker and is always on the lookout for new, healthy recipes. Which means that her cheapskate of a husband is always on the lookout for free cookbooks. Being kind-hearted-cheap-man I am sharing some of my great finds with you today. At the time of this post, the books below were free — please check before downloading. 50 BEST Middle Eastern Recipes: Kebab, Chicken, Fish, Meat, Soups, Salads, Deserts and A LOT more! by Egor Sosin Ever wanted to try the best Middle Eastern recipes? This book is just for you! This ebook contains the best recipes for the best dishes, as chosen by the chefs. * More than 50 BEST recipes!…

Book Review: Bravo Two Zero by Andy McNab

About: Bravo Two Zero by Andy McNab is a bestseller describing a patrol by the English Special Air Services (SAS) in Iraq during the Gulf War. The book was recommended to me by Helen Maryles Shankman ( 432 pages Publisher: Island Books; Language: English ISBN-10: 0440218802 My rat­ing for Bravo Two Zero— 4 Buy this book in paper or elec­tronic format* Thoughts: Bravo Two Zero: The Harrowing True Story of a Special Forces Patrol Behind the Lines in Iraq by Andy McNab (website| Facebook | @the_real_mcnab) was recommended to me, as mentioned above, and simply by reading the synopsis I thought I’d like the book. However, as someone with military experience I have to call bullshit on some of the stories. I don’t know about the torture scenes and frankly hope never to find out, but some of the operational procedures and bravado seems to be utter machismo more to do with a Hollywood movie than with a book presenting itself as fact. For example, no way did an eight man team kill 250 people or took on a whole platoon and/or company by themselves. They might have killed a few and ran away (as would be the smart thing to…

Thoughts on: Late for Tea at the Deer Palace by Tamara Chalabi
5 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts , Non-Fiction / February 22, 2012

About: Late for Tea at the Deer Palace : The Lost Dreams of My Iraqi Family by Tamara Chalabi is a book which was hard to classify. Part history, part cultural, part fictional and non-fictional family saga and all about a bygone era. The pub­lisher is giv­ing away one copy of this book— enter at the end of the post. 448 pages Publisher: Harper (January 18, 2011) Language: English ISBN-10: 0061240397 My rating for Late for Tea at the Deer Palace – 5 Great price on this book in paper format through the Man of la Book Affil­i­ate Account More books by Tamara Chalabi Thoughts: I believe that Late for Tea at the Deer Palace by Tamara Chalabi is the first book I read because I have heard of the author’s father. I recognize Ahmad Chalabi’s name from years of living in the Middle East as well as his temporary high profile during The Gulf War where he was accused of many things, including being a triple agent giving faulty intelligence. However, the story of Ahmad Chalabis rise and fall is the least interesting part in this fascinating book. The first feeling that struck me while reading this book is jealousy. If ever I’d write a…

Thoughts on: The Wounded Giant by Michael O’Hanlon
4 Stars , Latest Posts , Non-Fiction / February 5, 2012

About: The Wounded Giant: America’s Armed Forces in an Age of Austerity by Michael O’Hanlon is a non-fiction eBook in which the author lays out his ideas for military budget cuts. The book is available only in as an eBook by The Penguin Press. 256 pages Publisher: The Penguin Press HC ISBN: 1594205035 My rating for The Wounded Giant – 4 Great price on this book in paper or elec­tronic for­mat through the Man of la Book Affil­i­ate Account Thoughts: In The Wounded Giant: America’s Armed Forces in an Age of Austerity, Michael O’Hanlon argues the defense budget cuts outlined by Congress could be catastrophic. The author takes a deep breath and tries to analyze the cuts and bring forward his own solutions while still maintaining national security priorities. From nuclear missile programs, to the U.S. Navy, offshore bases and more Mr. O’Hanlon takes a sober look, without political baggage at where we should, and could, cut. To my surprise, this is a very readable book which makes some good sense out of a very cumbersome subject. The book opens up a discussion on reasoned proposals to plan for future conflicts based on hard intelligence data. Mr. O’Hanlon also makes his analysis in clear sentences which…

Veterans Day Reading List

As those who follow this blog know that I love books about the military, fiction and non-fiction. In honor of Veterans Day I thought I’d post a list of books I enjoyed over the past year or two about this subject. I assume we all love to read about something which is close to our hearts, whether it’s a place, a feeling or an experience. I know I do. Non-Fiction: Citizen Soldiers by Stephen Ambrose A fas­ci­nat­ing book about the Euro­pean the­ater in World War II, as told by the men on the front lines, not a media hug­ging offi­cer or a dry his­to­rian. Ambrose cap­tures the sense of his­tory from both sides of the fence, sticks to the facts as we know them and keeps his com­ments to a minimum. Command Influence By Robert A. Shaines A cap­ti­vat­ing book in which Mr. Shaines recounts his mem­o­ries as a defend­ing lawyer in the case of The United States v. Lt. George C. Schreiber. Lt. Schreiber was the appointed scape­goat in a trial for the mur­der of a Korean man (whose real name was never found). Mr. Shaines, a mil­i­tary attor­ney on the Lieutenant’s defense team, was fight­ing a bat­tle which…

Author Q and A with Tatjana Soli
Author Q&A / January 12, 2011

Tatjana Soli wrote the wonderful “Lotus Eaters” the story of a combat female photographer during the Vietnam War. She was kind enough to answer a few question

/ October 9, 2010

Current Giveaways: ======================================================== More Giveaways Coming Soon ======================================================== Past Contests One copy of The Man Who Came and Went by Joe Stillman – Ended July 21, 2022 One copy of Never Give Up by Bear Grylls – Ended March 16, 2022 Enter to win a mobi for Kindle copy of Cerebral Palsy: ‘A Story’ Finding the Calm After the Storm (3 winners)- Ended June 11, 2 $50 Amazon Gift Card from A September to Remember: Searching for Culinary Pleasures at the Italian Table by Carole Bumpus – Ended June 1, 2021 One copy of signed copy of Good Grammar Is the Life of the Party, swag, & a $25 Amazon Gift Card – Ended One copy of Hawthorn Woods By Patrick Canning – Ended July 13, 2020 One copy of The Last Sword Maker by Brian Nelson – Ended June 30, 2020 One copy of Becoming Superman by J. Michael Straczynski – Ended August 13, 2019 One copy of The Storm over Paris by William Ian Grubman – Ended February 14, 2019 One copy of The Accidental Further Adventures of the Hundred-Year-Old Man by Jonas Jonasson – Ended February 7, 2019 One copy of Samurai Castles by Jennifer Mitchellhill – Ended August 30, 2018 One…

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