Fun Facts Friday: Sherwood Anderson

Sherwood Anderson (13 September, 1876 – 8 March, 1941) was a novelist and short story writer from Camden, OH. Later on he settled in Chicago, IL...

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Leaves of Fire (עלים מן האש) by Simcha Guterman is not all doom and gloom. The author has a healthy sense of humor, which I would assume is good to have...

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This was a charming, easy-to-read, lovely story. I read it quickly and enjoyed the story even though I thought most of it was quite predictable...

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Fun Facts Friday: Julien Green

Julien Green - A prolific American writer of novels, essays, plays, and even a biography. Mr. Green was born in France, and wrote in both French and English...

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The Lincoln Miracle puts the Republican convention into context of the national battle against slavery. The context doesn’t start, or stop, at the convention...

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This new, PC world-building is done without nuance, taste, or elegance, shoving activism into the faces of people who just want an escapist fantasy...

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Fun Facts Friday: Elizabeth Longford

Elizabeth Longford was a British historian, biographer and considered to be one of them most brilliant woman of her generation...

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Guest Post: Transforming Your Writing Space from Hobby to Professional

Dedicating yourself professionally to this craft, no matter what you’re writing, requires a place in which you can be consistently productive and creative...

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The author bumped up the rhetoric, but not by much. The leaders in the book no longer pretend the dog whistles they publish are a joke, or a misunderstanding...

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Fun Facts Friday: Edgar Lee Masters

Edgar Lee Masters was an attorney, poet and biographer. He is known for his collections of poems, as well as bios of Mark Twain, Lincoln, and Walt Whitman...

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#helpotherbookblogs – Help Other Book Review Bloggers
Opinion / August 26, 2010

In an effort to help out our small community why not do something selfless once a day. Pick a book review you liked, which is NOT YOURS, and tweet it to your followers under the hashmark #helpotherbookblogs Don’t forget to leave a comment to that person about how much you like their blog, and that they were your “selfless pick” of the day. Just once a day, or even less – but do it. It won’t hurt you, I pr...

The 50th Book Review Blog Carnival
Opinion / August 22, 2010

I’ll Never Forget the Day I Read a Book! reviews Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith“What do you do as an encore after writing a best seller and trend setter like Pride and Prejudice and Zonbies? Seth Graham-Smith has turned from Jane Austen to Abraham Lincoln.” Primo Reads reviews The Ask by Sam Lipsyte “”The Ask” by Sam Lipsyte is a quick and enjoyable read. This novel is clearly...

Can Literary Success and Quality Co-Exist?
Opinion / August 19, 2010

In a fascinating and insightful article, “A Novelist Re-Imagines Shakespeare’s Juliet — and Challenges Literary Snobbery” in the Wall St. Journal, author Anne Fortier talks about her visit to her homeland of Denmark and the change of perspective about art. Ms. Fortier was having lunch with friends when words like “ambitious” and “commercial” starting to fly around…but not in a good way.This was two days before...

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