Fun Facts Friday: Elizabeth Longford

August 30, 2024

Elizabeth Longford (30 August, 1906 – 23 October, 2002) was a British historian, biographer and considered to be one of them most brilliant woman of her generation. She is best known for her biographies of Queen Victoria, the Duke of Wellington, and Lord Byron.

Fun Facts Friday: Elizabeth Longford
Books by Elizabeth Longford*

Fun Facts about Elizabeth Longford:

  1. Elizabeth Pakenham was born in London as the eldest of five children.
  2. Both of her parents were doctors, and the children were privileged and brought up by nannies.
  3. She did her undergraduate degree in Oxford and was known to be very beautiful and articulate.
  4. In 1931, a few years after graduating, she married Frank Pakenham and became Countess of Longford. The couple was married until he died in 2001, and by all accounts, they enjoyed a harmonious life with their eight children.
  5. Three of their daughters, Lady Antonia Fraser, Lady Rachel Billington, and Judith Kazantzis are all writers.
  6. Lord Pakenham introduced his wife to the Workers’ Educational Association where she became a tutor, and she introduced him to socialism.
  7. Elizabeth Pakenham was a member of the Royal Society of Literature, and on the board of trustees of the National Portrait Gallery in London.
  8. Her first book, Jameson’s Raid was published in 1960, when its author was over 50.
  9. Lady Longford was known to read a lot about her subjects. When her eyesight started failing, a group of volunteers read her the daily newspaper.
  10. Her final wish was to leave the London nursing home to her home and die peacefully in her feather bed, with a view of a tulip tree outside the window, surrounded by family.

Books by Elizabeth Longford*

Zohar – Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books


Elizabeth Longford | Wikipedia

Lady Elizabeth Longford | Guardian Obituaries

Elizabeth (née Harman), Countess of Longford (1906-2002), Historian and writer; wife of 7th Earl of Longford | National Portrait Gallery

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Fun Facts Friday: Elizabeth Longford
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Fun Facts Friday: Elizabeth Longford
Elizabeth Longford (30 August, 1906 – 23 October, 2002) was a British historian, biographer and considered to be one of them most brilliant woman of her generation
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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