Graphic Novel Review: Wolverine: Old Man Logan by Mark Millar

November 6, 2017

Wolverine: Old Man Logan by Mark Millar (illustrated by Steve McNiven) is a graphic novel featuring this X-Men favorite. The comic series was the basis for the movie Logan.

  • 224 pages
  • Publisher:Marvel (February 14, 2017)
  • Language:English
  • ISBN-10:1302904639

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My rat­ing for Wolverine: Old Man Logan5
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I have wanted to read Wolverine: Old Man Logan by Mark Millar (illustrated by Steve McNiven) for a while now, since it tops almost every “top 10” list when it comes to graphic novels. I never picked it up though, until one Saturday when I was browsing my local library and it just happened to fall into my hands.

I have read graphic novels by Mark Millar before, a wonderful writer. This story progresses quickly in an alternate timeline in the Marvel Universe. I enjoyed the art very much, not only was it beautiful but also remained consistent throughout the book.

You don’t have to be a Wolverine fan, or even an X-Men fan, to enjoy this story. It is a standalone original tale which has more depth than most other books I’ve read which combines the outstanding elements which make westerns unique with the dark aspects of the superhero stories we all know and love.

This is one of the most exciting “what if” hero’s journey tale I’ve read. I can certainly see why this graphic novel is so highly respected and would certainly recommend it to any comic book fans out there.

This story takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where heroes fell and disappeared while evil triumphed everywhere. Wolverine has been eking out a living on a dirt farm with his family, under the guise of a pacifist known as Old Man Logan.

That is until he cannot pay the rent to his landlords, decedents of The Hulk who now run a mob like slum landlords / protection racket. Luckily for Old Man Logan, a friend from the past comes with an offer he can’t refuse.

Buy Wolverine: Old Man Loganfrom*
More Books by Mark Millar

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got this book from the local library
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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