Freiheit!: The White Rose Graphic Novel by Andrea Grosso Ciponte tells of the famous German student resistance group during World War II. Mr. Ciponte is an Italian writer, filmmaker, illustrated, painter and educator.
- 112 pages
- Publisher : Plough Publishing House
- Language : Englis
- ISBN-10 : 0874863449
My rating for Freiheit!: The White Rose Graphic Novel – 5
Buy Freiheit!: The White Rose Graphic Novel from Amazon.com*
More Books by Andrea Grosso Ciponte *
This graphic novel recounts the tragic story of Sophie Scholl (21) her brother Hans (24), Christoph Probst (23), Alexander Schmorell, and Willi Graf (25) known as the White Rose. The group distributed leaflets telling of Nazi atrocities, hoping to bring awareness for their fellow Germans.
The Nazi regime was not too happy with their activities. Once caught the end was predictable, quick, and swift. The White Rose, however, were not forgotten, and today are thought of as heroic figures in Germany and around the world.
Freiheit!: The White Rose Graphic Novel by Andrea Grosso Ciponte uses flashbacks, just for a short time, to explain how the White Rose came to be. The book is told in a very unemotional manner, just the facts. This was also a powerful tool which I appreciated. I felt that this type of storytelling did justice to the practical, brave, and ethical students.
This was a very powerful graphic novel, especially for someone who is familiar with the ending. Mr. Ciponte managed to tell the story of the White Rose in an informative, sensitive manner.
The art was excellent, photo realistic but moody. It almost looked like painted photographs, but it captured the World War II era movies and newsreels, and therefore very appropriate.
The end includes an English translation of the pamphlets the White Rose published. I thought it was a very nice touch, and important to include. I’m glad it was done.
I have this graphic novel on the table, and will most likely have my children read it. Especially my daughter, who has joined a “government” club as an out-of-school activity. I’m very proud of them and I’d like to introduce them to strong personalities, male and female. As well, and as important, is to show how young people can make a difference.
Buy Freiheit!: The White Rose Graphic Novel from Amazon.com*
More Books by Andrea Grosso Ciponte *
Zohar — Man of la Book
Disclaimer: I got this book for free as part of the LibraryThing Early Reviewer Program
*Amazon links point to an affiliate account
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