The Book Review Blog Carnival

Welcome to the December 4, 2011 edition of book review blog carnival. Book Reviews Zohar presents Thoughts on: 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami posted at Man of la Book. Zohar presents Thoughts on: The Family Affair by Leon H. Gildin posted at Man of la Book. Sarah Ahmad presents Frankenstein posted at The Book Nook. Zohar presents Thoughts on: The Emperor of Lies by Steve Sem-Sandberg posted at Man of la Book. Books Raphael presents Great American Stories Ten Unabridged Classics posted at Extreme eBooks, Audiobooks and Software Downloads, saying, “These ten classic stories from four of America’s greatest authors of the 19th and early 20th century were selected for their literary importance as well as their dramatic oral qualities. The stories include Mark Twain’s “The One-Million Pound Bank Note,” “A Visit to Niagara,” and “A Mysterious Visit;” Stephen Crane’s “The Blue Hotel;” Ambrose Bierce’s “The Eyes of the Panther;” and Jack London’s “The Love of Life” and “To Build a Fire.”” Fiction Sandor presents 4. Eddard: The Burger King Cometh! posted at Mummers Farce, saying, “Looking at the Song of Ice and Fire series with a particularly juvenile bent.” Non Fiction Kevin presents 7 Wealth Building Strategies | Invest It…

Thoughts on: The Polski Affair by Leon H. Gildin
5 Stars , Fiction , Historical Fiction , Latest Posts / November 15, 2011

Rosa Feurmann found herself in the Hotel Polski in Nazi Occupied Warsaw as part of an investigation of Jewish partisans as to exactly what is going on in there. Rumors were afloat that rich Jews were able to buy their way to freedom using false documents. However, Rosa is detected by the Gestapo Colonel in charge of the hotel and becomes his personal servant.

Veterans Day Reading List

As those who follow this blog know that I love books about the military, fiction and non-fiction. In honor of Veterans Day I thought I’d post a list of books I enjoyed over the past year or two about this subject. I assume we all love to read about something which is close to our hearts, whether it’s a place, a feeling or an experience. I know I do. Non-Fiction: Citizen Soldiers by Stephen Ambrose A fas­ci­nat­ing book about the Euro­pean the­ater in World War II, as told by the men on the front lines, not a media hug­ging offi­cer or a dry his­to­rian. Ambrose cap­tures the sense of his­tory from both sides of the fence, sticks to the facts as we know them and keeps his com­ments to a minimum. Command Influence By Robert A. Shaines A cap­ti­vat­ing book in which Mr. Shaines recounts his mem­o­ries as a defend­ing lawyer in the case of The United States v. Lt. George C. Schreiber. Lt. Schreiber was the appointed scape­goat in a trial for the mur­der of a Korean man (whose real name was never found). Mr. Shaines, a mil­i­tary attor­ney on the Lieutenant’s defense team, was fight­ing a bat­tle which…

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