Author Q&A with Kirk Kjeldsen
Author Q&A , Latest Posts / February 16, 2017

I read and enjoyed Land of Hidden Fires by Kirk Kjeldsen very much. At first I had trepidation about reading it, but I’m very glad I read the novel. Mr. Kjeldsen was kind enough to answer a few questions for me. Q. How did you prepare to tell the story of Kari, a teenage girl? A. I didn’t intend to write the novel with a teenage girl as the protagonist; I first wanted to write about the story of my great-grandfather’s brother, Anfinn Kjeldsen, who helped a downed American pilot get to Sweden during WWII. I couldn’t find enough details, though, and trying to tell what had happened with what little that I had wasn’t working for me, so I put it aside for a few years. I eventually tried it again as fiction, making the protagonist a young man about Anfinn’s age, and it started coming easier. Then I thought it might be more interesting if the main character was a teenage boy, and then a teenage girl, and the story took off. So the character sort of wrote herself, in a way, which I think all good characters do.I didn’t consciously or specifically prepare writing the story of a…

A Q&A with Mark Edwards, Author of The Devil’s Work
Author Q&A , Latest Posts / October 4, 2016

As a six word story, explain what The Devil’s Work is about? Dream job becomes a terrifying nightmare. (My original pitch was ‘The Devil Wears Prada rewritten by Stephen King’ but that’s eight words!) As opposed to other types of fiction, what do you think the is appeal of psychological thrillers? Psychological thrillers are hot right now because readers want to connect with stories in which they can imagine themselves. Marriage, relationships with friends and children, co-workers and lovers…Psychological thriller writers take ordinary situations and add a layer of fear and darkness – from the toxic marriage in Gone Girl to the everyday voyeur in Girl on the Train, readers like those familiar situations and characters and thinking about what they would do if it were them. I think it’s a reaction to the Dan Brown years, which were followed by the Stieg Larsson-fuelled Scandinavian noir period – we’ve gone from worldwide conspiracy theories and outlandish situations to what is now called domestic noir. It’s not new but it’s never been more popular. How do you come up with the idea for a great plot twist? No spoilers since there is a great one in The Devil’s Work! I…

Author Q&A with Linda Rodriguez McRobbie
Author Q&A , Latest Posts / November 14, 2013

Linda Rodriguez McRobbie, wrote the book Princesses Behav­ing Badly: Real Sto­ries from His­tory With­out the Fairy-Tale End­ing, a collection of mini-biographies from far and wide of the strong, crazy and brave female members of the royal households. Ms McRobbie, an American journalist living in London, has just released the book and was kind enough to answer a few of my questions. Q. What made you want to write about Princess Behaving Badly? A. Mostly being asked to! My publishers, Quirk, very kindly approached me with the outline of the idea and we went from there. What I loved, however, was that though it was a topic I hadn’t given much thought to before, it quickly became absolutely fascinating – especially uncovering women whom history had left by the wayside, and whose stories were just tremendous. Q. Which princess did you find the most fascinating and why? A. I think perhaps my favourite princess is “Princess” Caraboo, although Caroline of Brunswick runs a close second. I have an abiding affection for late 18th, early 19th century British history – it could be a Jane Austen thing, if I’m really honest, but I also love the sense of this period of time…

Author Q&A with Jason Mott
Author Q&A , Latest Posts / September 7, 2013

Jason Mott, author of The Returned and newly minted New York Times best seller list has been kind enough to take some time out from his successful career and answer a few questions for this blog.

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