Bookish Field Trip: Little House on the Prairie, Part 1: Walnut Grove, MN

September 28, 2021

After a long drive we finally made it to Walnut Grove, MN (population: 687) made famous by Laura Ingalls in her Little House on the Prairie books. The Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum‘s collections are housed in a series of interesting buildings, including an 1898 depot, a chapel, an onion-domed house, dugout display, little red schoolhouse, early settler home, and covered wagon display. Also on display
are memorabilia from visits by the stars from the Little House on the Prairie TV series. Ma’s and Pa’s memorabilia included, of course.


Dc0129 20150112 Wildercabin20210627 153311Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum

Before continuing, we drove around Walnut Grove for a bit, stopping at the post office to buy stamps, and just to look around.

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Little House

We visited to some of the sites mentioned in the books like Plum Creek, and the Big Rock.

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We also visited the Ingalls Dugout Home where the family lived in, basically a hole in the ground.
There is nothing there, a sign and a section marked off. We didn’t expect anything but even so it was disappointing.

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We are glad we spent some time here. Not only for the nostalgia factor, and appreciation of the books but to see an interesting slice of America we wouldn’t have seen otherwise.

Zohar – Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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Bookish Field Trip: Little House on the Prairie, Par 1: Walnut Grove, MN
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Bookish Field Trip: Little House on the Prairie, Par 1: Walnut Grove, MN
After a long drive we finally made it to Walnut Grove, MN (population: 687) made famous by Laura Ingalls in her Little House on the Prairie books. The museum's collections are housed in a series of interesting buildings, including an 1898 depot, a chapel, an onion-domed house, dugout display, little red schoolhouse, early settler home, and covered wagon display. Also on display are memorabilia from visits by the stars from the Little House on the Prairie TV series.
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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