Wolf Hunt: The Napoleonic Murders by Armand Cabasson is a historical fiction mystery taking place in the spring of 1809. This book, Chasse au loup, recieved the 2005 Fiction Prize by the Napoleonic Foundation.
- 298 pages
- Publisher: Gallic Books
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1906040834
My rating for Wolf Hunt – 3
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Wolf Hunt: The Napoleonic Murders by Armand Cabasson takes place during the Napoleonic wars while the Austrians and the French battle over some small villages by the Danube. The mystery takes second place to the author’s impressive research of the time, whether it would be battlefield tactics or a Viennese ball.
The reason I liked this is that it told the story from a point of view of Frenchmen, something I haven’t read before in historical fiction (usually it’s an “American in Paris” type of books). I also liked the timeline as I did not know much about the Napoleonic wars – or rather as much as I would like to know.
The characters in this book are enjoyable and well defined, some need a bit more tweaking but that could be a case of “lost in translation”. I have not read the first novel in the series, which are billed as “Margont” novels, but it seems as if he plays a major walk-on role instead of being the main character. That is fine and good way of telling a story.
I enjoyed this book, it’s a good mystery and great historical fiction, especially if you’re interested in that particular time period. The author weaves extraordinary details into the writing, which sometime overwhelms the storyline.
Lukas Relmyer, a young officer in the Napoleanic French Army came across a corpse of a man he knew in the orphanage. The murdered man’s face was mutilated in a macabre smile. While the emperor’s forces are engaged in a bloody and futile back-and-forth battle near the Danube with the Austrian army, Relmyer goes on a dangerous mission to find a dangerous man.
Relmyer remembers when another friend met such fate, although not in war, and with the help of Captain Quentin Margont he tries to solve the mystery of who would kidnap young men and mutilate them to such a degree.
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Zohar — Man of la Book
Disclaimer:I got this book for free.
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