Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life by Arnold Schwarzenegger is a self-help by the famous actor, bodybuilder, and businessman. Mr. Schwarzenegger needs no introduciton, if you’re thinking about reading this book you already know who he is.
- 288 pages
- Publisher : Penguin Press
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 0593655958
My rating for Be Useful – 5
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I’ve been a fan of the author since I was a teenager, even before he started making movies. He is the reason I started, and continue to this day, with resistance exercises. I appreciate everything Arnold currently stands for, and that he uses his fame and money to make the world a bit better – something I believe most of us can get behind.
Ever the one to reinvent himself, Mr. Schwarzenegger is now creating a “positive corner of the Internet” using his new app, The Pump. I am a founding member of the app, and it does make a mental difference in my workouts and day to have such positive feedback.
Also, Arnold interacts with the users!
Be Useful by Arnold Schwarzenegger is not a biography like his previous book Total Recall. He gives the readers advice of what he learned during his lifetime, many are common sense and can be implemented with a bit of effort. As he has been doing for a long time, Arnold acknowledges the help he had along the way, at every step of his career.
Along with advice from the greatest American success story of our lifetime, we get biographical tidbits. Whether it’s from his career as a bodybuilder, movie star, or politician Arnold doesn’t hold back a lot. He’s not afraid to tell us of his failures, and what he learned, along with his success.
The book is short, but rich in content and advice. It is motivating and he certainly lets me understand what “be useful” actually means besides a cheesy slogan.
Zohar – Man of la Book
Disclaimer: I got bought this book
*Amazon links point to an affiliate account, the money is usually spent on books

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