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Thoughts on: The Watchman of Ephraim by Gerard de Marigny
4 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / February 12, 2012

Article first published as Book Review: The Watchman of Ephraim by Gerard de Marigny on Blogcritics. About: The Watchman of Ephraim by Gerard de Marigny is a fictional book taking place a decade after 9/11. The book takes place in all over the United States. The author is giv­ing away one eCopy for two winners of this book— Kindle Format Only – enter at the end of the post. 429 KB Publisher: JarRyJorNo Publishing ASIN: B004KAAXXU My rating for The Watchman of Ephraim – 4 Great price on this book in paper or elec­tronic for­mat through the Man of la Book Affil­i­ate Account More books by Gerard de Marigny Thoughts: The Watchman of Ephraim by Gerard de Marigny (website | Facebook | Twitter) is a fast paced thriller full of intriguing characters and suspense. The dialog is tight and the plot moves along in a fast pace. Cris De Nero, the protagonist, is a self made man, a good father and husband. The characters, their interaction and relationships are well defined. The recruiting efforts for The Watchmen are described in a fascinating way and the way the company is transforming under Cris’ leadership could make a book by itself. There are several themes throughout the novel, patriotism, G-d and country, safety…

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