Fun Facts Friday: Gunnar Björling

May 31, 2024

Gunnar Björling (31 May, 1887 – 11 July, 1960) was a Finnish-Swedish poet and is considered to be the foremost modernist in these countries’ literature.

Fun Facts Friday: Gunnar Björling
Books by Gunnar Björling*

Fun facts about Gunnar Björling:

  1. Gunnar Olof Björling was born in Helsinki, Finland. He graduated with a degree in philosophy from the University of Helsinki.
  2. During his years at the university Mr. Björling became a passionate socialist, very active in trade unions.
  3. When the Finnish Civil War started in 1918, Mr. Björling supported the refugee government of White Finland (Whites) who fought the “Reds” or Red Guard who represented the Labor Movement.
  4. After the war, Gunnar Björling sat on the court that sentenced the captured Reds. When he got older, he distanced himself from his after-war activities.
  5. In 1922, when he was 35 years old, Gunnar Björling published his first book of prose and poems called Vilande dag (Resting Day).
  6. The poet experimented with dadaism, artists who reject logic, reason, and capitalism. Hence one might hear Gunnar Björling being referred to as “Europe’s last dadaist”.
  7. Gunnar Björling was open about his bisexuality. This was when it was considered socially unacceptable.
  8. The poems of Gunnar Björling are known to be challenging to read, like those of Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot.
  9. Gunnar Björling wrote in ordinary words, breaking up grammar and syntax, saying that “my language is not in the words”.
  10. Today, Gunnar Björling is recognized as one of the major poets who wrote in Swedish.

Books by Gunnar Björling*

Zohar – Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books


Gunnar Björling | All Poetry

Gunnar Björling | Wikipedia

Gunnar Björling: An Introduction by Fredrik Hertzberg |

The 20th century Finland-Swedish literature | Britannica

Gunnar Björling (1887–1960) |

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Fun Facts Friday: Gunnar Björling
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Fun Facts Friday: Gunnar Björling
Gunnar Björling (31 May, 1887 – 11 July, 1960) was a Finnish-Swedish poet and is considered to be the foremost modernist in these countries’ literature
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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