Man of Steel Books and Artwork
Latest Posts / March 20, 2013

Arti­cle first pub­lished as Man of Steel Books and Artwork on The Man of Steel Fan Page on Facebook has some cool pictures of new official merchandise. The books caught my eyes of course not only because I’m a known bibliophile, but also because they give cool hints about the costume and the movie. Frankly, while I do think that elimination the red outerwear in the movie looks good, it does not translate into comic pictures. Man of Steel: Reusable Sticker Book – Purchase Here Man of Steel: Superman Saves Smallville – Purchase Here Man of Steel: Friends and Foes (I Can Read Book 2) – Purchase Here Man of Steel: Superman’s Superpowers (I Can Read Book 2) – Purchase Here Man of Steel: The Fate of Krypton – Purchase Here Man of Steel: The Early Years: Junior Novel – Purchase Here

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