Thoughts on: The United States Constitution: A Round Table Comic Graphic Adaptation by Nadja Baer (Adapter), Thomas Jefferson (Author), John Adams (Author), Thomas Paine (Author), James Madison (Author) and Nathan Lueth (Illustrator)

April 2, 2012
Article first published asBook Review:The United States Constitution: A Round Table Comic Graphic AdaptationNadja Baer (Adapter) and Nathan Lueth (Illustrator)on Blogcritics.

The United States Constitution: A Round Table Comic Graphic Adaptation Nadja Baer (Adapter), Thomas Jefferson (Author), John Adams (Author), Thomas Paine (Author), James Madison (Author) and Nathan Lueth (Illustrator) is an adaptation of the supreme law of the land in these United States. Dr. Katie Monnin, assistant professor of literacy at the University of North Florida, produced a curriculum guide (target towards 8th grade level) to supplement the comic book which is available free of charge at

  • 80 pages
  • Publisher:Writers Of The Round Table Press (April 16, 2012)
  • Language:English
  • ISBN-10:1610660250
Thoughts on: The United States Constitution: A Round Table Comic Graphic Adaptation by Nadja Baer (Adapter), Thomas Jefferson (Author), John Adams (Author), Thomas Paine (Author), James Madison (Author) and Nathan Lueth (Illustrator)

Buy this Comic Graphic Adaptation inpaper or inelec­tronicformat.

Right off the bat I liked that the author included the Founding Fathers in the title of this comic graphic adaptation. The United States Constitution: A Round Table Comic Graphic Adaptationby Nadja Baer (Adapter | website | Twitter), Thomas Jefferson (Author), John Adams (Author), Thomas Paine (Author), James Madison (Author) and Nathan Lueth (Illustrator | website | Twitter) takes the US Constitution and, using the original text, presents it in an easy to understand graphical format.

The United States Constitution: A Round Table Comic Graphic Adaptation

This is a short book but, and this is a big but, it contains 100 percent of the original text of the supreme law of these United States as well as pictures and narrative to communicated the concepts which are foreign to so many people.

The United States Constitution: A Round Table Comic Graphic Adaptation

I am by no means a Constitutional scholar, but I have read the document (and even keep a pocket edition in my car). I also find Constitutional law very interesting and follow all Supreme Court cases. I even find the Supreme Court opinions a fascinating read, especially those that I disagree with.

The United States Constitution: A Round Table Comic Graphic Adaptation

I think that it’s sad that most people don’t realize how much do Supreme Court cases affect our every day lives and that not only it is our right to pay attention, but it is our duty as citizens. In the past 10 years some of the decisions made by the Court were outrageous, un-American and dangerous to our democracy; yet went unnoticed by the majority of registered voters. But what can you expect from people that see voting as a “chore” instead of a privilege?

So tell me, do you pay attention?

Buy this Comic Graphic Adaptation inpaper or inelec­tronicformat.

The United States Constitution: A Round Table Comic Graphic Adaptation

I’m not going to supply a synopsis. If you don’t know the synopsis you should, at least, pick up this book to learn more about this amazing, groundbreaking and historic document.

Zohar – Man of la Book
Disclaimer: I got this book for free.

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One Comment

  • RomaOctober 27, 2015 at 9:50 am

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