Book Review: The Patriots: Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and the Making of America by Winston Groom

November 20, 2020

The Patriots: Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and the Making of America by Winston Groom is a history book focusing on the relationships, personal and professional, between the three American founding fathers mentioned in the title. Mr. Groom is a historian and novelist, who unfortunately passed away recently.

Book Review: The Patriots: Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and the Making of America by Winston Groom
My rating for The Patriots4
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More Books by Winston Groom*

This book is not a hard core, all-encompassing biography of all three man, nor is it a thorough history of the American Revolution. What it is though is a well-written history book highlighting important events and relationships of the three men.

The book starts with a short biographical chapter about each of them, their life, loves, and most notable contributions to the American Revolution and young country they helped create. Their stories are powerful, and if one doesn’t want to seat down and the read lengthy, yet fascinating, biographies of the Hamilton, Jefferson, and Adams, these short summaries will do nicely.

The book is well written and I assume its audience is not necessarily amateur historians, but mostly those who need a primer after sleeping in American History classes, or those who have been out of the classroom for a while. The book, I have a feeling, concentrates much on Alexander Hamilton because of the popularity of the play, and tries to set things which the show either overplayed, or got wrong. I have no issue with capitalizing on it. I, for one, am glad that my children have some interest in history and they even do their own research, on subjects they find interesting, which the play highlighted.

This, of course, does not take anything away from The Patriots: Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and the Making of America by Winston Groom, I’m actually glad that the author addresses some of these subjects. Which brings me to another topic, the writing is not as scholarly as the more encompassing books I read, nor are first hand sources as often quoted. Again, I believe that the author made the wise choice to write to his intended audience instead of the hard core amateur historians. The narrative flows as the author tells a vivid story, historically accurate, to keep up the interest of the reader.

Buy The Patriots from*
More Books by Winston Groom*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got this book for free from TLC Book Tours.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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The Patriots: Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and the Making of America by Winston Groom
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The Patriots: Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and the Making of America by Winston Groom

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The Patriots: Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and the Making of America by Winston Groom


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