Book Review: The Coming Cyber War by Marc Crudgington

November 23, 2020

The Coming Cyber War What Executives, the Board, and You Should Know by Marc Crudgington is a business book in which the author makes his case for executives on how to prepare for the oncoming cyber events. Mr. Crudgington is a Chief Information Security Office (CISO) and a technology expert.

  • 272 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1735916315
  • Publisher : Cyberfore Systems, LLC
  • Language : English

Book Review: The Coming Cyber War by Marc Crudgington
My rat­ing for The Coming Cyber War4
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I’m always looking forward to reading books which inspire to think differently, or see things from a different perspective, especially if I think I have a solid foundation in them. I was hoping that The Coming Cyber War: What Executives, the Board, and You Should Know by Marc Crudgington would fit that bill, and it certainly did, talking about best practices, with some advice to personnel in all levels of an organization.

Not surprisingly, the author advocates, quite heavily, for the hiring of a CISO which would be an integral part of the organization’s management and interact regularly with the Board of Directors. I found that to be quite funny and amusing, seeing someone write a whole book advocating for a position in which they sit in. That’s not to say he’s wrong.

There is some solid advice in the book, and I believe the author is trying to cover all his basis, from the executive officer who knows nothing about technology, to the small business owner that better starts learning, and to the IT people on their way up to management, or even those that are simply called upon to give advice and opinions. This is a short book, and as I said the author is mainly advocating that every company needs to hire a CISO, or even one part-time (a Virtual CISO or VCISO). I can’t say I disagree with him and I’ve seen whole books written for a lesser goal. To his credit the author is upfront about everything, telling the reader right off the bat what he is, where he came from, and what he advocates.

Mr. Crudgington certainly knows what he’s talking about, and he is well worth listing to. This is a short book and is certainly wroth the time reading, even if you want to skip around to sections which are only of interest to you, or the ones you want to know more about.

Buy The Coming Cyber War*
More Books by Marc Crudgington*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book for free
*Ama­zon links point to an affiliate account

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