The narrative follows the author and his brother, an Army veteran and a college graduate, who decided to hike the Appalachian Trail from north to south over five months. The pair goes through their own revelations while trudging through physical difficulties which the trail offers.
The book did not disappoint, not only is it beautiful on the outside, the enclosed photographs of the house, grounds, intimate moments of Vice-Presidents and Presidents with the loved ones, staff, and stuff are alone worth getting the book.
We like visiting historic places and we know that many times context is everything. An artifact, a building, or even something that might seem insignificant get a whole new meaning when viewed in the right light.
Monticello is a well written and meticulously researched book told from the point of view on Martha
An excellent biography of a President who was probably the most influential person to hold office between Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln
Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy: Four Women Undercover in the Civil War by Karen Abbott – an excellent book .focusing on four women who took part in the Civil War
Based on a true story, Mary has been a slave to the Van Lew family in Richmond, VA. Bet Van Lew, the daughter and abolitionist, frees Mary and sends her to school in Philadelphia.
Far from Zion is a non-fiction account of the author’s search for his identity. In his search Mr. London goes far and wide looking for Jews in diaspora.
Following the adventures of Pocahontas and Ben Johnson in the early 17th Century Tobacco Wars By Paul Seesequasis traverses the world
This is the kind of history book I love. Mr. Chernow tells of little known anecdotes which not only tell of of the character, but even relevant to this day