How Beautiful We Were is, in a word, fatalistic. The villagers are fighting a lost cause,– The David vs. Goliath story slowly morphs into a nuanced conflict.
This book is short, but thought provoking. The question of “why the Jews?” has been asked for centuries without a good answer other than racism, probably because there isn’t one. As is tradition in the Jewish religion the book asks a lot of poignant, hard hitting questions but gives very few answers
Most of these gems are well known, but I think the authors would have done well if they were more discreet, anyone can say a comeback, but there is an art in doing it like Churchill or Lincoln. Unfortunately many of today’s politicians that are quoted in this book are not anymore witty than the average middle school student, and some are less.
Milo Weaver, the reluctant spy, finds himself facing a CIA analyst about 10 years after the Department of Tourism, CIA’s silent assassins, was disbanded. The two find themselves on the run when a new breed of Tourists tries to kill them both.
A National Geographic book detailing 100 journeys through all 50 states and 10 Canadian provinces. Mr. Yogerst has written several books for National Geographic
The sci-fi story Shorefall,expands on world building, societies, and technologies, questions what the author created, exploring politics, faith, and humanity.
The stories collected shattered many lives, not the least the childhood of the person telling. Several of them never recovered after their childhood ended.
The true story of Udham Singh, a Sikh orphan, setting out on a decades long scheme to murder an English diplomat, t Sir Michael O’Dwyer, the Lieutenant Governor
A memoir of William Shatner, the famous actor, and his up and down relationship with his Star Trek co-star and good friend, Leonard Nimoy over the decades.
The Last Leonardo: The Secret Lives of the World’s Most Expensive Painting – a non-fiction book about da Vinci’s painting: Salvator Mundi, sold for $450 million