Book Review: The Kept by James Scott
4 Stars , Fiction , Historical Fiction , Latest Posts / January 22, 2014

Midwife Elspeth Howell returns to her home after spending a few months away working. Elspeth can’t wait to get back; she has gifts for each of her five children and her husband.

What Elspeth finds, however, is a bloodbath. Her husband and children are murdered and one son, 12 year old Caleb, is missing. But Caleb is hiding and is so startled that he shoots his mother.

Book Review: The New Republic by Lionel Shriver
2 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / April 3, 2013

An organization called SOB from a fictional part of Portugal called Barba is trying to gain independence and stop the Muslim immigration by terrorizing parts of the world. However, the attacks seemed to stop and journalists assigned to Barba have nothing to do beside discussing a fellow journalist named Barrington Saddler.

Book Review: Telegraph Avenue by Michael Chabon
4 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / October 2, 2012

Nat Jaffe and Archy Stallings are the owners of Brokeland Records, one of the few bastions of vinyl record stores left in Oakland, CA circa 2004. In comes Gibson Goode, ex-NFL star, multi-millionaire and entrepreneur who wants to open his Dogpile megastore in the area. The megastore will force Brokeland Records, who are struggling as it is, to close

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