The past of Bernie Gunther catches up with in 1954 Cuba while doing work for mobster boss Meyer Lansky. Even though this anti-Nazi PI survived the Nazi regime
“Stalina” by Emily Rubin is the fictional story of a Russian immigrant to the United States. The story takes place after the fall of the Soviet Union.
I found the plot to be a bit too convenient, information happens to fall into Sam’s lap just at the right time, I did enjoy the Russian/British interaction
Based on JQA’s diary which spanned an amazing seven decades – arguably the “most valuable historical and personal journal kept by any prominent American”
The book broadens the moral scope of the protagonist, questioning his share of the collective guilt of institutionalized oppression against your own people
A tightly woven fictional story taking place in old-school Russia where Big Brother is everywhere and a fabricated incriminating charge is just a step away
In Eye of the Red Tsar, a fictional tale with historical accuracy, Sam Eastland introduced his audience to the Tsar’s personal detective Inspector Pekkala