Tells of the events which lead to Patton successfully turning around a losing battle, and becoming the face of the US Army in the African campagn
Killing Patton: The Strange Death of World War II’s Most Audacious General takes every gossip, rumor, and, historically discredited banality about WWII as facts
Death March Escape: The Remarkable Story of a Man Who Twice Escaped the Nazi Holocaust – A biography of Dave Hersch, the author’s father and his first book.
The Yanks Are Starving: A Novel of the Bonus Army by Glen Craney is a historical fiction book telling the long forgotten story of the Bonus Army of World War I.
Events leading up and after D-Day (Jan-Sept 1944) seeing through the eyes of Eisenhower, the Rommel, Bradley, Patton, von Rundstedt and ordinary soldiers
The Allies believe that Italy will be a piece of cake and they could move on the Germany. Italy did surrender but the Nazis kept on fighting.