The Traitor by Ava Glass is an easy-to-read page turner, with vivid description,Mediterranean ports-of-call, and tension, as danger lurks behind every page
Alias Emma by Ava Glass was a fast read, and very enjoyable. It is more of a thriller than an espionage novel, nevertheless, I found myself engaged.
While the subject is, indeed, very serious, there’s also playfulness within the narrative. I have no idea how Mr. Uris managed to do that
The start of the buildup of the Gulf War (1990) is where the book takes off to relevancy not only when published, but today also since we are still facing some of those issues, as well as many others. General Schwarzkopf was assigned to Central Command not long before Iraq invaded Kuwait, in this book the General states that he prepared his troops for war in the Middle East since, to his estimation, a war in Europe is unlikely. As Bush 41 made it clear that Iraqi aggression will not go unnoticed, General Schwarzkopf realized that he might be at the center of fight.
Maggie Hope, an English citizen raised in America, journeys across the pond to sell the estate of her late grandmother. While unsuccessful at her original endeavor, she feels Camaraderie with the British people who are in war.
In Eye of the Red Tsar, a fictional tale with historical accuracy, Sam Eastland introduced his audience to the Tsar’s personal detective Inspector Pekkala