Book Review: Alias Emma by Ava Glass

July 28, 2022


Alias Emma by Ava Glass follows a young British Agent, attempting to survive a harrowing night with the persons she’s protecting. Ms. Glass is a civil servant and former crime reporter.

  • 288 pages
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Bantam
  • Language ‏ : English
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : 0593496795

Book Review: Alias Emma by Ava GlassMy rating for Alias Emma– 4
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I enjoy espionage stories very much, so I was excited to read Alias Emma by Ava Glass. The book is filled with chases, and reality-defying heroic action. Like many of the others.

Ms. Glass wrote a very good story, and certainly a terrific thriller. She managed to introduce several characters, Emma’s history, a bit about the person she’s saving, as well as spin a good yarn. The narrative is tight, and the book moves at a fast pace.

The characters of Emma Makepeace, Michael Primalov, and Ripley are very well written. I thought the narrative was done very well in introducing them and making the reader vested in their outcome.

I really liked the fact that the majority of the book takes place over a period of one night. There are a few short chapters that fill the reader in on the previous events, but overall, I really enjoyed this aspect of the novel.

I wished the novel would have ended when the sun came up. However, the decision was made to wrap up the story in a neat package, without any loose ends. This is, of course, just a personal preference but I felt that there was no need for the reader to have this closure. It is also great fodder for future books.

The novel was a fast read, and very enjoyable. It is more of a thriller than an espionage novel, nevertheless, I found myself engaged.


Emma Makepeace is a young agent for “The Agency”. Emma is a vet, intelligent, and a polyglot to boot. On her first assignment, Emma trying to keep Michael Primalov alive from Russian spies in London.

Finding herself all alone, with The Agency to help her, Emma must rely on her wits to survive the night. Luckily for her, Michael is a doctor, and gets over his hesitancy to believe her story.

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More books by Ava Glass*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got this book for free.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books

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Alias Emma by Ava Glass

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