Discover the enchanting world of The Last Unicorn, a classic fantasy novel loved by readers worldwide. Follow a unicorn on a journey of wonder, love, and loss...
Disha Bose revolutionizes age-old ideas of love and deceit. What ensues is the delicious unspooling of a group of women desperate to preserve themselves...
Twelve thought-provoking stories in 'The Archivists' by an award-winning author. Exploring life-altering events, from crumbling connections to a pandemic...
Andrew Marvell was an English poet, but in his lifetime he was better known as a politician he is considered to be one of the best Metaphysical poets...
The following tips can help you overcome stress, anxiety, and writer’s block so you can get your creative works out to the world. ...
Discover the fascinating rise of James K. Polk in Tennessee and on the national political scene in this engaging biography by Charles Grier Sellers...
Discover the fascinating life of William Morris, poet, novelist who revolutionized British arts. Learn about architecture, marriage, and literary inspirations...
Rogue Lawyer by John Grisham is actually a collection of several short stories, which have very little, or nothing at all, to do with each other. ...
Benghazi-Bergen-Belsen (בנגאזי–ברגן־בלזן ) Yossi Sucary tells of the plight of North African and Libyan Jews during World War II...
Karl Gutzkow (17 March, 1811 – 16 December, 1878) was a German novelist and dramatist. He is known as a pioneer of the Young Germany movement...