Reading about the process from an industry expert with a mind to teach rather than just boast, is enlightening to any fan of animation....
The central idea of video being spliced from public cameras, using one person as a central figure without their knowledge, an interesting concept...
Based on JQA’s diary which spanned an amazing seven decades – arguably the “most valuable historical and personal journal kept by any prominent American”...
The story is readable, literary, the characters are well drawn and the mischief and mayhem which can gives small towns their unique characteristics are felt...
The book broadens the moral scope of the protagonist, questioning his share of the collective guilt of institutionalized oppression against your own people...
reluctant Israeli spy, Gabriel Allon, is joined by a world famous woman, this time though she is a violinist named Anna Rolfe, on his adventures...
I’m taking that big leap into bloggerdom, I decided to change from Blogger to my own domain using WordPress. I have enjoyed writing this blog, conversing with people and the whole blogosphere immensely and I thank you all for it. Unfortunately I lost some of the comments and for that I apologize, they were insightful and interesting. I’ll see what I can do to bring them back. I hope you like the new format, I have some more work...
The female characters are drawn very nicely, but the males seemed to be a bit flat . That’s too bad because Xerxes, Mordechai and Haman are fascinating ...
After all we were all sold an eReader based on the premise that books which carry no overhead of printer ink, paper, trucks, drivers, fuel etc. will be cheaper...
The book is written in a way which the reader understands the socio-economic realities the Mongols lived in, as well as the brutality of how wealth was won....