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The 50th Book Review Blog Carnival
Opinion / August 22, 2010

I’ll Never Forget the Day I Read a Book! reviews Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith“What do you do as an encore after writing a best seller and trend setter like Pride and Prejudice and Zonbies? Seth Graham-Smith has turned from Jane Austen to Abraham Lincoln.” Primo Reads reviews The Ask by Sam Lipsyte “”The Ask” by Sam Lipsyte is a quick and enjoyable read. This novel is clearly “contemporary fiction” – Lipsyte drops in amusing pop culture icons throughout this novel.” Learn This reviews Be Bodacious by Steven D. Wood “Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book. I have a few minor points against it but all in all, this is definitely worth your read.” Spine Uncracked reviews The Best American Noir of the Century by Ellroy Penzler “This book is pretty badass. A good 700 or so pages of enjoyable noir short stories, and an introduction by James Ellroy in which he says things like, “The short stories in this volume are a groove. Exercise your skeevy curiosity and read every one.”” Digital Book Readers: e-readers guide and review reviews Breath by Tim Winton ““Breathless” might be a more appropriate title for this…

Can Literary Success and Quality Co-Exist?
Opinion / August 19, 2010

In a fascinating and insightful article, “A Novelist Re-Imagines Shakespeare’s Juliet — and Challenges Literary Snobbery” in the Wall St. Journal, author Anne Fortier talks about her visit to her homeland of Denmark and the change of perspective about art. Ms. Fortier was having lunch with friends when words like “ambitious” and “commercial” starting to fly around…but not in a good way.This was two days before Fortier’s new novel; “Juliet” – about a young lady who thinks she might be related to the teenage Shakespeare made famous – was coming out. When the book came it was hailed as…. ambitious and commercial – oh boy. Even though critics did admit that the book was descent (according to Ms. Fortier) they went out of their way criticize the idea of the book, rather than the book itself. . To their credit, the Danes voted with their money and “Juliet” sold well. Some critics are quick who damn literature which is not written to please the intellect of those sitting on the high throne of prize committees. However, they forgot that some the books hailed today as classics were either ostracized when they came out (“The Grapes of Wrath“, “Moby Dick” which are among…

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