Search results for: Denmark

Fun Facts Friday: Siegfried Lenz
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / March 17, 2017

Siegfried Lenz (17 March, 1926 – 7 October, 2014) was a German novelist and writer. Books by Siegfried Lenz* Born in the town of Lyck, East Prussia, Mr. Lenz would today be considered as being born in Poland. After graduation in 1943, Mr. Lenz was drafted into the Kriegsmarine, the Nave of Nazi Germany. Before the end of World War II, Mr. Lenz fled to Denmark and was briefly held as a prisoner of war. He worked as a translator for the British army. Liselottte, the future wife of the author, Mr. Lenz saw it as his obligation to “pay off the enormous debts” of the German people as well as “take preventive actions against any danger of reoccurrence”. In 1970 Mr. Lenz was made an honorary citizen of Elk, now part of Poland. In 2000, Mr. Lenz received the Goethe Prize. The day was also the 250th anniversary of the birth of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The first recipient of the Siegfried Lenz award was Israeli author Amos Oz. Mr. Oz won the prize a few short weeks after Mr. Lenz passed away. Mr. Oz and Mr. Lenz were friends for over 30 years. Books by Siegfried Lenz* Zohar – Man…

Giveaway (Over): Trophy Target by Allen Mitchum
Latest Posts / March 17, 2014

The pub­lisher is giv­ing away one copy of this eBook to three (3) winners –to enter fill out the Raf­fle­copt­ter form at the end of the post. tro·phy [‘trō-fē] tar·get [ˈtär-gət] – A uniquely high value individual captured and used by an enemy as leverage for political, military or other strategic purposes Deep in the jungle of French Guiana, a once anonymous soldier of the French Foreign Legion mysteriously disappears. Days later, word reaches his younger brother, Prince Erik Rohde, second in line to the Danish throne. Doubting the government’s capabilities and questioning the Prime Minister’s sincerity, Erik turns to the world’s top mercenary, Fadi Khaldun, to rescue his brother. Fadi Khaldun is a former assassin of the Saudi government determined to make amends for his malicious past. Since making his debut in the thriller 28 PAGES, Fadi has spent the past seven years rescuing hostages, avenging the deaths of loved ones of his clients and destroying terrorist and organized crime rings in the deadliest conflict zones on the planet. Now he embarks on his most high profile and dangerous job yet to rescue the crown prince of Denmark. From the jungles of South America to the mountains of South East Asia, Fadi meticulously…

Book Review: Death of a Nightingale by Lene Kaaberbøl and Agnete Friis
4 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / November 26, 2013

Natasha Doroshenko, a Ukrainian woman who is wanted for the attempted murder of her Danish fiancée escapes police custody. On that night the police finds the body of her ex-fiancée, a divisive journalist, after he has been tortured.

Nina Borg, a Red Cross nurse, knows Natasha from her work at the refugee camp and has been following her case for some time. Nina cannot see how someone like Natasha was able to kill so brutally and tries to help her.

Author Q&A with Liad Shoham
Latest Posts / October 2, 2013

Liad Shoham is a successful Israeli author who recently had his book, Lineup, translated into English. As we all realize, being a successful author in one country does not necessarily mean you’ll be able to cross over to another countries especially if they have difference languages and cultures. Publishers don’t like to take chances and one must be an excellent author and present their case in order to even be considered. Q. What prompted you, a successful attorney, to start writing crime/mystery books? A. Well, when I started writing I was hardly a successful attorney. I was 26 years old and just graduated a master degree from the University of London. I came home to Israel and started working as a lawyer. The notion that this was the “first day of the rest of my life” depressed me. So in the evenings when I came back from work I started writing short stories based on my experiences in London. I never wrote before and discovered that I enjoyed it very much. I initially had no thought of publishing but when the pile got bigger and bigger; I decided to try my luck and sent it to a few publishers in Israel….

Book Review: Wildflowers of Terezin by Robert Elmer

About: Wildflowers of Terezin by Robert Elmer is a historical fiction book taking place in Denmark during World War II. The book is well researched and an enthralling read. 335 pages Publisher: Abingdon Press Language: English ISBN-10: 1426701926 My rat­ing for Wildflowers of Terezin — 5 Buy this book in paper or in elec­tronic format* More Books by Robert Elmer More Rec­om­mended World War II books on Man of la BookStore Thoughts: Wildflowers of Terezin by Robert Elmer (website) was an interesting read. I originally got this book due to my great interest in World War II and was delighted to find out that it takes place in Denmark because I have yet to read any WWII stories from that region. The book held my interest throughout, part history, part fiction and part religious it manages to show the best and worst of men and women when life deals them a losing hand. I have heard many books, both fiction and non-fiction about the Jews of World War II, and in comparison their treatment wasn’t as bad as the rest of Europe – but that is of course speaking as someone living in a free country 50 years later who never had to drop everything and flee for his life. Upon finishing…

Book Review: Only One Life by Sara Blædel
4 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / July 18, 2012

Article first published as Book Review: Only One Life by Sara Blædel on Blogcritics. About: Only One Life by Sara Blædel is a fictional mystery book set in Denmark. This is the second book translated into English in the series featuring Detective Louise Rick. The pub­lisher is giv­ing away one copy of this book— use the Raf­fle­copter form at the end of the post to enter. 352 pages Publisher: Pegasus Language: English ISBN-10: 1605983500 My rating for Only One Life – 4 Buy this book thru More Books by Sara Blædel Thoughts: Only One Life by Sara Blædel (website | Facebook | @sarablaedel) lives up to the previous novel, Call Me Princess, which I read about a year ago and enjoyed as well. The book is exciting and the characters are well written and continue to build up and expand from the previous book (even though I understand that there are more untranslated books). The book touches on some relevant topics, such as honor killing, social intolerance and sexual based crimes. The author explores these subjects, and more, without forcing her own morality or ideology down the readers’ throats, which is a big plus for me. I love to read about…

Thoughts on: The Stonecutter by Camilla Läckberg
4 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / June 21, 2012

Article first published as Book Review: The Stonecutter: A Novel by Camilla Läckberg on Blogcritics. About: The Stonecutter by Camilla Läckberg is the third novel in the Fjallbacka mystery series. The series features policeman Patrik Hedstrom who works in a small town in Sweden. 480 pages Publisher: Pegasus Language: English ISBN-10: 1605983306 My rating for The Stonecutter – 4 Buy this book in paper or elec­tronic format More Books by Camilla Läckberg Thoughts: I chose to read The Stonecutter by Camilla Läckberg (website | Twitter) because I read one of her previous books, The Ice Princess (my thoughts), and enjoyed it. There is another book in the series called The Preacher which I have not yet read. This book has a different structure than the previous one I read, the story alternates between past and present, while the time shifts (at the beginning of every chapter and are not confusing one bit) have very little to do with the actual mystery, I felt that they do come together skillfully at the end. I did find the book exciting, Ms. Läckberg’s growth as an author is evident. The author juggles many issues during the story. Some have much to do with the…

Tightwad Tuesday – Free or Affordable eBooks – Jewish Non-Fiction

Welcome to a new feature of my blog where I’d list books from a certain category which you can download for free. I call this feature Tightwad Tuesday because I’m a tightwad…and it’s Tuesday. For the Kindle: The Remnant – Stories of the Jewish Resistance in WWII (Boomer Book Series) by Othniel J. Seiden After researching the transcripts of the Nuremburg Trials and interviewing ‘The Remnant’ or Jewish survivors of the holocaust, many still living in Israel; Othniel Seiden was compelled to write their startling and remarkable stories of World War II. In this stunning and compelling historical novel about the Jews who were able to remain free and fight, Seiden documents their survival, their suffering, their missions and their guerrilla warfare tactics against the Nazi occupation forces. Also, well documented, the tragedy of Kiev and now infamous ravine of Babi Yar where it is thought that nearly a million people, Jews and non-Jews alike were massacred. These brave few escaped the certain death of their co-religionists by acts of bravery and sheer determination to live. The myth that the Jewish people ‘went to their deaths like sheep to slaughter. . .’ is put to rest forever in the stories of…

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