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Cover Gallery: The Graveyard Book
Cover Gallery / February 12, 2011

Like many bibliophile I am also somewhat enamored by book covers. I don’t judge a book by its cover, but I certainly pre-judge it as many of us do (but that’s the topic for another post). I am also a comic art collector (well, before kids that is) and have about 10 reviews of graphic novel in my “draft” folder (at the time of this post) – so yes, I like pretty pictures.

Author Q&A
/ December 4, 2010

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z – A – Anderson, Steve – Historical fiction author talking about his ideas, research and social media. Atkin, Ann – Author of the “Flash His­tory” series talks about biographies, history and more. – B – Baer, Nadja and David Cohen – Talking about the graphic adap­ta­tion of the U.S. Con­sti­tu­tion. Belfer, Lauren – Author of “A Fierce Radi­ance” talks about research, writing and book promotions. Benn, James R. – Historical fiction author of the Billy Boyle WWII series talks about social media, cover art and more. Berger, W.K. – A published non-fiction author who decided to publish his first fiction book independently. Block, Stefan Merill – Author of “The Storm at the Door” talks about fictionalizing his grandparents’ lives, family and social media. Braude, Joseph -Author of the nonfiction book “The Honored Dead” (and several others) talks about social media, the Middle East and other subjects. Busch, Colleen Morton – Author of the nonfiction book “Fire Monks” talks about Zen, Buddhism, Social Media and fire fighting. – C – Cohen, David and Nadja Baer…

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