New Kiva Loan – Rodolfo from Peru

June 1, 2015

We gave a new loan to Rodolfo from Peru, a farmer.

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Rodolfo, 53, lives with his wife and 3 children in a modest house in Canaris, a district of Lambayeque along Peru’s northern coast. Farming and small commercial businesses are common means of making a living here.

Rodolfo has been a farmer for 10 years. He grows a variety of coffee called Catimore. He is applying for a loan that he will use to pay for the labor and supplies–fertilizer, pesticides, etc.–he needs to tend his coffee crop. The investment will provide the physiological and morphological improvements that will ensure that he maximizes his yields and delivers the best-possible crop. His earnings from the business will improve his and his family’s quality of life.

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