Guest Review: Desperation by Stephen King

March 18, 2013

When it comes to science fiction, fantasy, and horror, stories are expected to embrace the absurd of what our imaginations can produce. With talented artistic abilities, an author can put grotesque images in our minds and make us see what he or she does when they write a novel. Stephen King is one such individual with his novel “Desperation” having the ability to allow readers to embrace the absurd and be drawn into a story-line that may seem inconceivable, yet can get our adrenalin pumping anyway.

Book Review Desperation by Stephen King

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In “Desperation,” we introduced to a demonic element calling itself Tak. This demon of sorts is able to inhabit human hosts but is only allowed a limited time as the host begins to disintegrate. This leaves the create having to find a regular supply of hosts, and creatively possesses a deputy sheriff in order to obtain unsuspecting individuals and detain them for later use. If not for the efforts of a boy who communicates with God, Tak would have succeeding in killing everyone.

1. Characters –One of the most endearing abilities of Stephen King his is ability to write details that involve you in the character on an emotional level. Unfortunately for King, this is also a reason why some don’t like to read his work. He can be too descriptive on details that can heighten a level of disgust that some simply aren’t ready for. The back-story of the characters in “Desperation” lay solid groundwork for the development of the plot.

2. The Plot Itself –Stephen King has the ability to bring some of the most absurd creatures and villains into reality. Although the actual plot of a demon jumping into various bodies isn’t a new one, the story behind “Desperation” gives it a new realistic twist that will leave many wondering, “what if?”

Towards the end of the novel, a sacrifice of a beloved character must be made. This is present in a great number of successful novels as it shows the reader that while the good guys can win, the ultimate sacrifice may be required.

3. Timing –Although the novel itself is superbly written, it’s not exactly an action-packed suspense novel that you’d have trouble putting down. There is no doubt that the story will intrigue you, but it’s a slower pace that many may be discouraged from. However, there are sections in the book that you simply want to finish before setting it down. Unless you are an avid Stephen King fan, this book could easily take you a month or two to read as it has more of a casual tone to the pace of development.

The novel “Desperation” delves into a reality of evil spirits that have the ability to control life and remove free will. An aspect like this has been the base of many novels and films that some do not embrace for they don’t believe in this process. As most people will fear what they don’t understand, Stephen King has already inspired that fear into the hearts of those who don’t read his work. It’s one thing to scare your readers, but it’s a completely different matter to scare those who don’t read a single word of your novel.

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Author Bio:

Ken holds a master’s in business leadership from UpperIowaUniversity and multiple bachelor degrees from GrandViewCollege. As president of, Ken’s focus is helping Houston-based parents find the right childcare provider for their family. When he isn’t working, he enjoys spending time with his three children and his wife.

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